
How to approach and convince my grandmother to let me get her other car that she hasn't drove in a long time?

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It's like this, my grandmother has been a retired R.N. (registered nurse) for 3 years now. She has 3 cars: a '97 Ford Taurus, '97 Cadillac Eldorado and a 2001 Pontiac Bonneville. She let my mom see her Ford taurus, and it got tolled. The only car she has been driving is the Bonneville for the past couple of years. She haven't drove the Cadillac since 2005. She had let my uncle drive it for quite a while. He stop driving it like over 9 months i believe. He claims something is wrong with it, and it haven't been touch every since. The good news is I finally got my license last week. I have to catch the bus everyday to where ever I go, it is very annoying. I'm not a bad person. I'm 23 about to be 24 in October, I received my GED back in 2005. I don't smoke, don't drink, don't have kids, never been to jail, in college, and have a small business on the side making graphics and taking pictures. How exactly do I approach her and convince her to let me get it? because can't do nothing what got planned, I got turned down by a lot of jobs because of my lack of transportation. I will do whatever it takes to get it fixed. Please help me, I really need a car?




  1. just ask it politely...yes maam, no maam...get on her good side...explain to her why you would like it and why she doesn't need it......good luck:)

  2. Your grandma doesn't owe you "her other car that she hasn't drove in a long time".

    If you want her car, look up the blue book value and make her an offer.

    If you don't have the money, you can continue to use public transport while you continue to save.

  3. Be yourself,and ask her kindly...

  4. You need  discuss insurance  coverage.  Since there  has  been one  serious incident  she  may be  leary of  another deal.  Having  a  new  driver is to be  reported  by law on  most  insurance.  Maybe you can  work out  a  buy  it plan, if she is  willing to part.  Also the  fact  of  repair  and  tags updated is  costly.  So it  may not  be such  a  good  deal.  Just  sit  down  and  discuss your  need  of  work  transportation and  see  what  happens.  

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