
How to approach him and talk to him? How to let him know I like him without actually telling him?

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Okayy, so here I gooo. I know I've posted this several times in the past few days(but I deleted two of the questions as I got no replies to them), I've gotten some answers, but they haven't really helped me much. So, I've got this crazy crazy crush on this guy at school. He's in the same year as me, and we have 2 classes together: Finnish and French. We also live in the same part of town, so we take the same bus. I've liked him for about 2 years, a bit less maybe, without really doing a thing. I'm really quite shy. Around my friends I'm not shy, I'm very fun. I can be very outgoing sometimes too(but that's mostly with my bff who lives abroad, and who btw I'll be visiting soon). So, I can kiss the dream of me telling him how I feel, 'cause I'd just mess it all up. I've done the obvious things though, like looking at him and smiling, and pointing my feet towards him in class, etc. On Friday we had school swimming, and I got to see him shirtless, and he was really really tan.. and wow. Then on Saturday I had my confirmation and he was I can't even find the word for it. He was so hot. And it's not just about his looks! He's not really that popular, well he's got good friends, but I don't see him talking to girls very much or girls going up to him. I haven't talked much to him, talked a bit though. He's really funny, and he seems a bit like me personality-wise in class. I just wish I could talk to him, and no, I wouldn't just go up to him and say, 'hi'. I've never done that, so it would be superrr weird if I started doing that now, and I would never dare. I just wish I could talk to him so that I'd have something good to say. Thanks so much. I really really really hope someone will answer this time!

I just can't get him off my mind, except when I'm busy with something else. Like when I'm watching TV, or out shopping he is off my mind, but now that I'm at home again he pops into my mind and won't go away. I think I'm in love with him. Help!




  1. I just want to say I am going through the samething, only thing is I am older and not in school, but really like this guy.

    so sorry I can't really give you an answer...

    But you should know you DON'T love him, you are in lust!

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