
How to aquire Lady ship?

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How do or to aquire the tiltle of lady ? Such as Lady at the white house and etc.??




  1. In england i saw lots of doors with the sign "ladies". I thought maybe those places are where you get a "lady" title. I tried to investigate, but was stopped because i am male and so i could never get the lady title..

    Am i right, or are such rooms only for those who already bear the title "lady"?

  2. Go to England and marry a Lord.  That's all there is to it.

  3. I never heard of the Lady at the White House, unless you mean the First Lady, who is the wife of the president.

    This isn`t a title though, in the noble sense, as she`s no longer the First Lady when her husband leaves office.

    If you mean a REAL Ladyship, as in being ennobled; then you either need to be born with the title (your parents are aristocratic), or you marry a man from an aristocratic family and automatically share his title (ie You marry a Baron, then you`d become a Baroness)

    These titles last your entire life, and depending on the country, will be passed to your eldest son, (or daughter, if you have no sons).

    You can also acquire a female knighthood and the title of Dame (the female version of Sir) by being a woman of admirable influence to the UK nation, such as a popular actress, or a successful CEO.  This title also lasts your entire life, but dies with you and doesn't get passed to your eldest son.

    Hope this helps you,


  4. I believe  You, have to be of royal blood, Your family must be from a Royal family, or you must be "important figure in your country";  you can't just be a "Lady";  without having the stature of an important figure to your country, especially in England you must be blood or married into the bloodlines of the royal family.

  5. In the UK a "lady" is the wife of a knight or a peer (Lord).

  6. Any woman can be lady-like in her behavior, but no American woman can claim the title of "Lady" even if as wife of the current President she is the "First Lady of the Land" unless, of course, she gives up her American citizenship and marries someone with a title:  For  example, Winston Churchill's mother, Jenny Jerome (1854-1921), married Lord Randolph Henry Spenser Churchill, thus becoming Lady Churchill.

  7. To get the title First Lady, which is the "Lady" at the White House, you have to be married to the President.

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