
How to arrange beds in dorm rooms at college?

by  |  earlier

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i am about to go to college, and my room mate and i cannot figure out how to arrange our beds. we are not allowed to stack them/ bunk them because of safety reasons. how did you and your room mate arrange your beds in college? or does anyone have any ideas on how to arrange 2 beds in a dorm? any ideas are appreciated! :)




  1. When I went to college we kept ours seperate against either side wall with the desks to the side of the head of the bed. To make more space underneath we used cinder blocks (or in my case specially hollowed out pieces of lumber that fit the feet of the bed!) to boost the bed up a bit. If you use cinder blocks, be careful that they don't stick out too much or you'll whack your toes and that hurts!

    Now that I think about it, they actually sell things in the hardware store to boost up the bed. It's great because it gives you alot more space for clothes and stuff.

    Have fun at college!!

  2. if they are two twin beds you can (if you don't mind sleeping closer together) put them both in the corner of the room to make like a L shaped couch area. remove the headboards/footboards if you can to make it a seemless couch.

  3. Put each bed in a corner as far away as you can get from your roommate with a desk in between....(not negatively speaking of course :) ) This will create your own private area and believe me, there will be times when you don't want to look at your roommate!!  Good luck!!

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