
How to ask a girl out?

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im kinda a shy guy but i think this girl likes me and i like her but i really dont know how to ask her out and to be honest have never dated so um help?




  1. well just ask her its not hard just go for it

    can someone help me out

  2. okie. first of alll, dont just ask her out randomly because that would just shock her. U should try spending more time with her & get it to slowly work. like. ask her to go to the movies with you. okies. good luck!.

  3. go in front of her and say it with confidence...rmb girls like confidence in guys.So yea say this "hey!" and she might say hi back.And then go "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me".

  4. im shy too so this may not be the best info ever but... If you dont build up that confidence your gunna ask your self how it would of been to ask her out and have a relationship with her

  5. "Would you like to go with me to the planetarium this weekend?"

  6. Would you like to go to a movie with me on Friday?

    Its that easy,,,, Listen kid, i was shy and I over analyzed everything.  You may hear this a lot as did I when I was younger... The worst thing she can say is no!!    ITS TRUE.  Trust me, you will regret it later on

  7. just ask her how hard can that be

  8. I'm sure she is nervous too. She might even be hiding feelings for you. Just ask her out. If she says no just shrug it off.. or at least try.  

  9. just go for it. be like, heyy. i really like you. will you go out with me? waalaa.

  10. become her friend then ask her out casually.

  11. be casual with it. if shes into you than you know shes gotta get those butterflies and be a little nervous around you just like you might be around her so dont be all scared about askin her, be like so what you gonna be doin sometime around 7 oclock saturday? if she says nothin thats when you slip in the whole.. "oh really? well ive actually got some plans,," let her think about it and then say.. "..with you ;] " haha

    almost guaranteedd date

  12. ask her to hang out with you

  13. Do you want to go out with me...its simple

  14. just be yourself and if your shy build your self confience.

    its all about you that drops your confiednece.

    so when you grow a pair . then go up to her and look her straight in the eye and go straight forward whats the worst she could say No.

    its not bad at all

    get to know her and see if shes is all that

  15. First approach her next time you see her,. try to get her attention ( make sure shes and you are out of earshot of others ).

    The basic principle is this, you should have the common grounds rules understood. In other words, this is an understanding between you and her and every other human ever alive without ever being told or said, and that common ground is this "hey it doesnt matter if you are busy something else or have a busy week already scheduled, perhaps an another time, but this is my request, and I really wish if you have the time", ( This is important, coz you honestly may not know what is her schedule like, for all you know her mother maybe sick, or she may have a math exam shes stressed our about) This way you are protecting yourself and her from a complete commitment to comply and giving her the comfort of trust and a chance to excuse gracefully. Once you understand and trust this mutual principle of excuse, you are ready. Keep in mind, all that is said upto this point is just understood, but not spoke. Yet, the only words you speak are as follows.  Say this way, in a single breath, with an honest, eager tone and with a smile

    " Hey, <her name> can we please hangout sometime? would like to hangout with me.....? "

    ( The trick is to ask two questions. not one question. its a small mind game, but you will get a definite yes or a no. ) (and by the way look at her eyes as you ask these questions and after you ask her simply face her, dont stare and bore into her eyes, you only look at her eyes, but keep the eye contact if you feel necessary, its up the occassion, and how she response)

    The only possible outcome if this type of approach are as follows,

    Now she is either prompted to give you a positive answer ( if she really likes you as you have mentioned), coz she definetly do not want to disappoint you She will respond with a yes or 'um yea, of course, why not. Or she would tell you why she is busy and would give you a different date or a suggestion (perhaps even a small sample of how her schedule is like)


    she would give you an excuse and would leave it hanging or would give you an unsure reply which means that she isnt interested and wont be in the future.

    So there you have it. Be sure to sound confident.

    And Goodluck!

  16. its easy just ask her do u want to go out with but u should do it when she isn't really around her friends.

  17. ok so  considering im a girl i thought maybe i could help...

    umm i think the best way for a guy to ask me out would be in front of all my friends but if you cant work up the courage to do that it would also be pretty s**y if you pulled her away from the group and just started talking with her and bring up how you like her and then move on to askingher on a date.  

  18. If she wants you to ask her out, she will show it. If you are not getting any signals, you may want to reconsider. On the other hand, she may be so young and inexperienced that she doesn't know how to flirt.

    Keep it light and casual. Don't ask her to dinner in a fancy restaurant, at least not for the first date.

  19. Don't worry, everyone has been in this position before.  The hardest part is working up the courage and not stumbling while talking.  My first time i was so nervous my tongue could hardly move from freight.  Just go up to her and compliment her and say something like "you r really ______ and i really like u and i was wondering if u would like to go out with me?" That sort of thing, just wing it. If she does like u it does not really matter what you say.  Whatever you do, don't just abruptly pop up in front of her and say "wanna go out with me?" it really throws them off and they do not know what to say and just say no out of instinct.  my friend does this all the time and gets turned down just as much

  20. pull her aside, a few jokes, and say i really like you, and then instint will take you there. be yourself

  21. Hi, would you like to go out sometime?

  22. well, go up to her and say 'hey whats up?', she'll say something and then you go on to say 'cool. well, i think your great, and i really like u wanna go out with me?'

    and hopefully, she'll say YESSS!

  23. you need to ask her to go somewhere with you...movies, out for a coffee, anything. Become her friend. If you are already her friend, tell her that you really like her and ask her what she thinks about your relationship. The worse thing she is going to say is that she justs wants to be friends. Which should be fine with you cuz you will still be able to spend time with this great girl. Don't push her though because you don't want to seem desperate. Just take it one step at a time because if she does just want to remain friends than it may turn out even better for you because she will discover what a great guy you are.

  24. It's all about confidence.  If you don't have it, fake it!  Honestly!

  25. if your bald, this may be tricky. Go up to her, smiling, and say, "So I wanted to know if you'd wanna day this bad boy?" and point at yourself with a celebraty smile. She CAN'T not laugh at that. I'm sure she'd at least think about it.

  26. Being somewhat shy myself, I know it's hard.  But go ahead and ask.  The people above me have provided some good ways to word it.

    There is one thing I do know:  if you don't ask her out, you will regret it.

  27. Ok- Here is the deal.. Don't come and say it straight forward if you are not sure.

    Make sure it's more of a "hey... want to hang out girlll?"

    seriously asking a girl and saying "hey, do you want to go out with me" pretty much is a total turn off.. Never 'ask out' a girl that way... make sure its romantic... and honestly if you two are kind of dating after a while you won't need to ask her out :] you two will just know it is right :]

  28. classic line ive seen used by plenty of ladies men and worked

    go up to her after youve connected in a good momment and say

    Hey ____ i was just wondering if youd go out with me?

    simple as that

  29. try sparking up this conversation wit her..

    then slowly tell that "heyy i was just wonderin whether u would lyk 2 come with me to blahblahblah movie this sunday"..

    if she just sits still but shes breathin, it just means that she is hypeventilatin..

    n try 2 understand he personality b4 decidin on where to go..

    good luck!! :)

  30. i once used to be a very timid guy before. but that is a long long time ago. what are u shy about? U think u don't have a good look? U think u don't know how to start a conversation with her? U scare she will reject your invitation? And so on...???

    Why should you assume so much things when you are not sure about it? Give yourself a chance and also give her a chance. you don't want her to invite you out first, don't you? So be gentlemen. After all, if she reject your invitation, you still doesn't lose anything, right? You are still the same man standing in front of the mirror. But at least now you have give yourself a try so that you have no reason to feel regret latter in your life. Be brave. No one can make u feel shy without your permission. Good Luck.

  31. ok um if your nervous just ask her for her number then call her and ask her and be like i really like and i was juts wondeirng if you want to catch a movie next weekend (or anything else at anytime)
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