
How to ask for my money back that i let someone borrow?

by  |  earlier

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my friend had some problems and i let him borrow about $400, how can i give him the message, about paying me back without being a d**k? like "give me my ******* money" is there a nice way to say that?




  1. Say this..."Hey man do you have the 400 $ I let you Borrow?" its been ____? Do you need more time? When do you think you will have my money?

    Or you can say...

    If you dont give me my money I will break everybone in you about 5 minutes...then Go Ninja on his ***! hahaha...J/K Do the First onption..... : ) good luck man.

    You seem like a nice enough guy to be straight up with him...for him to answer back with a chill response..or hand over the 4 bills he owes..

  2. You just have to let him/her know that you are now in need of some money and you would like to know when you will be able to get the money that you loaned, back.  Find out if they could even pay half now and half later.

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