
How to ask for specific donations from companies?

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I work at a local SPCA and our washers and dryers are in really poor shape. We have tons of animals and even more blankets,towels,beds and pillows to wash. The dryers take 2 hours per load and even then we have to hang dry them as well.

My question is, how do I go about asking stores in my area, like the brick or sears, to donate new washers and dryers? And is this even possible to ask them to donate?

I'm also not the manager of the shelter, I'm an animal care attendant, so would it be unproffessional for me to go around asking for these things?

I"m pretty clueless about this type of stuff, so any help would be greatly appreciated! thank you!




  1. You need to get the ok before you start asking for donations.  Letters are good but I like to ask in person when I know what I need and its something like a washer and dryer.

    Ask some small business, second hand stores, Lowe's, Home Depot.  Not sure the size of town or city you live in.

    Start with asking your manager then go from there.

  2. You've gotten two great responses. I just wanted to add that, if that doesn't work out, ask the marketing department to send out a press release to all press in the area, asking for a donation of used-but-working washers and dryers.

    What's appealing about your request is that it's something tangible -- it's not a request for funds for "everything" but, rather, a specific thing that people can easily understand why it's needed. With the right appeal, I think this can work.

    As others have said, go to management and explain this need, why it's critical, etc.

  3. First, if you are not the manager and seeking donations isn't considered part of your job, you should talk to the manager and make sure that the manager approves of you doing this.  (Believe it or not, some will get upset if something like this is done without their permission.)

    Then, you should probably type up a professional sounding letter and print it out on the organization's letterhead.  Be sure to explain exactly what you need and how it will be used.  (And state it so that they know that there's an option of donating part of the cost of a machine if an entire machine isn't in their budget for donations at this time.)

    Then call around and find out the name of the manager (or the person in charge of donations) at the various companies that you think might donate an item that the shelter needs.  Address the letters to a particular person, so that they are less likely to get dumped by someone who hasn't the authority to consider giving a donation.

    Yes, it is possible to get them to donate.  Most large companies set aside a certain amount in their annual budget for donations--for tax reasons, if not for philosophical reasons.

    If they donate something (even just a couple of dollars), be sure to send them a polite thank you letter.  (This is something that they can display and show how kind their company is.  And it is something that makes it more likely that they'll donate again in the future.)

    Good luck.

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