
How to ask my guidance counselour to fix my problem?

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I yesterday asked my guidance to transfer me from AP Physics to AP Chem. I told her i felt i would do better in chemistry. However, I took chemistry two years ago and i forgot a lot, and it seems hard after I took a class. I want to ask my guidance to change my class back to Physics B but i need a good excuse. Please help




  1. Just tell her that you were wrong about the Chemistry class and feel you would do much better in Physics. If you explain why you thought chem would be better and why you were wrong she should change it back no problem.  

  2. Be honest with her, you don't need an excuse. Guidance counselors deal with this all the time, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Tell her that you are no longer suitable for Chemistry, she'll understand - if that's what your worried about. It was an honest mistake, explain that it's been too long since you taken Chemistry last and that you'd feel more comfortable taking Physics. Also, let her know that you are grateful and apologize if there was any inconvenience for her, most counselors love that stuff. But explain it to her thoroughly, she'll definitely want to know why but don't feel embarassed at all! I'm sure this has happened to her more than you can imagine. Good luck :)

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