
How to ask my mom to get me a counselor?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not close to my mom but i REALLY need a therapist, so i'm nervous about talking to her. I'm afraid she'll tell me I dont need one, its the kind of thing she'd do. help please!




  1. ok go to your mom and just bring to her attention that you know that you two arent really close but you really want a therapist and you know if she doesnt get it an just be intouch with your inner self. and i mean you can also talk to an adult you trust or teacher.

  2. just ask if she says no talk to a teacher or other adult that you trust

  3. is there anyway for u to get one without asking her...i'm from the u.k and this is possible here..i suppose its different tho because our healthcare is free...if not maybe you could write her a letter...i would hope simply through her being ur mum that she would help her daughter if you asked for her if u ever wanna talk about whats up or something im 17/female and from sunny scotland :)

  4. Try sitting down and writing out your reasons for wanting to see a therapist. Then let the list sit for a day or two, and go over it again. When you feel that you are being honest without being too emotional, hand the list to your mom and ask her to please read it, and then make an appointment with a professional for you. If she isn't receptive, then perhaps you could get a guidance counselor at school or a minister, or a favorite relative to help you talk to her.

    Good luck to you.

  5. Well, in anticipation of her negative response, you might want to come up with some valid reasons why you need to see one.  Also, point out to her how it will make her life better if you are able to work out some of your issues and be a happier person.

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