
How to ask my roommate to leave?

by  |  earlier

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My roommate (X) has been living with us for about 2 months. I just found out that he is stealing from me and going through my dresser regularly. My other roommate (Y) (we are three) is leaving in a couple of days. So I can't rely on Y to tackle X together. I need to do it alone or ask my friends. I don't know how to do it. He is big and fat and scary. What should I do? Please help! He also owes me $300.




  1. Drop hints. Play songs like hit the road jack or I'm gonna miss her or something like that. Leave the rental classfieds laying all over the house. Start labeling your food. Become real anal retentive. Start posting really stringent rules. Be really picky about the division of the bills even the ones that are hard to divide. Its called herding.

  2. Sit down and talk to your roommate (X) and be like "Dude i know you steal from me and you owe me $300.I don't need someone like that living with me and (insert whoever roommate Y is).You have to go i'm sorry."

  3. let him know that you want him out and give him your reasons, cuz if you don't he's gonna think you a little "   " which he probably does already b/c you haven't said anything.

  4. I don't understand why you don't just tell him to move out, it's your apt...if that doesn't work I agree go to the police tell them the problem, and they will remove him if you ask them to.  

  5. 1) You can be straight forward with him and ask if he has gone through your stuff and tell him your missing some things. Ask as nicely and calmly as you can. Maybe you can snoop and have proof of him taking your possessions.

    2) Make some rules regarding your apartment like not sharing your things. Also label your things!

    3) if you want to go to extremes get a web cam, a recorder, a camera, a safe, or a lock in your room.

    I hope I helped! Good luck. =)

  6. Call the Police.

  7. If I were you I would call the police, or you could even arrange a hitman

  8. Better you leave since he had signed lease. However, you could resolve teh situation by mutual discussion also, if it could be!

  9. jst go for it...

    but make sure he has nothing to hurt u with or somthing... maybe u should have somone else in the house jst incase...

    so jst like ask a friend to come saty with u and let the friend stay in ur room and then u go to ur room mate and jst say wat  u need to say...

    Dnt be scared.. believe in ur self :

    Good luck

  10. Tell him indirectly and with your body language that you dont want him anymore.

    step 1) start embarrassing him on little things...and make your behavior rude.

    step 2) Get a new lock and put that on your cupboard and keep your all valuable things in cupboard.He will get an idea wat u dislike with this.

    step 3) Directly and clearly say him to goive your money back because you need the money.

    follow steps 1 & 2 for A  week..then ask for the money...

  11. "Hey, do you mind getting the fox out? Kthxbai"

  12. have him arrested for theft, then take out a protection order agaisnt him because your scarred he will hurt you after you had him arrested because he stole from you, then he will be force to move out. PLUS he is have been arrested and you MIGHT get you stuff bakc (or some of it) and then take him to small claims court for the $300 he owes you. All tidied up in a simple bow.

  13. ask him to leave but have tons of People over so he cant do anything to u!

  14. man thats a hard thing to do but aye the truth hurts, make sure he pays u first then let him know that he needs to leave!

  15. This probably won't be a pleasant situation and may get worse before it gets resolved. But best thing to do is ask him to leave and hope he does. Or move out yourself ASAP and avoid the problems. If he argues then tell him your suspicions with him and he must leave. Ask him for the money and hope you guys can work out a payment plan, otherwise the only way you'll get your money is through small claims court. Have your friends around whenever you can for support, or to move in after him, or to help you find a new place.

      I've been through a situation where I lived with a girl with many issues. She was trashing the place, not paying bills, and bringing her personal drama with sketchy people to the house. She caused a big scene and it sucked for a week, but then she just packed up and left and got out of our hair. We did have to call the cops on her once and her Dad once also. Then everything was great and we never saw her again, until we took her to court for unpaid back rent and won. It's a pain and you may not win, but it's an option. She had to pay us in full and all court costs. She also was fat and scary. And I'm a slim and muscular dude, ha.

    Be strong and do it soon. After its over and he's gone, you'll forget about the situation really soon.

    Because he has caused problems and also because he has broken the law, you can get his lease broken easily. You'll just have to replace him probably.

  16. be though. be a man

  17. You have to be direct....but give X a decent amount of notice in a friendly way. You don't need to mention the stealing if you're so intimidated. Just tell him that it's not working out and you're giving him notice and that youll need any outstanding money by that date...if he starts trouble you'll need to get help from family or police.

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