
How to ask my spanish teacher for a reccomendation lettter??

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i love spanish, and i really respect my spanish teacher, so i thought i would ask her to write me a recommendation letter for college. though i would have to ask her in spanish since our classroom is spanish only

I'm having trouble finding the right spanish to ask her.

how would i corrrectly ask her if she would be willing to write me a recommendation letter




  1. "Podría escribirme una carta de recomendación."


    "Estaría dispuesta a escribirme una carta de recomendación"

  2. You should say... "Necesito una carta de recomendacion para el colegio, puede usted darme una"?

    Good luck!

  3. si ella estaría dispuesta a escribirme una letra de recomendación

    good luck

  4. A word to the wise: whenever you ask anyone to write a recommendation letter, provide an envelope with a stamp and an address already on it.  It gives them less work to do.

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