
How to ask parents if i can go clubbing?

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I'm 16 and 1/2 and really wan't to go to an underage club with some girls from school. I have never been to a club before and just want the experience since i go to an all girls school and never go near guys. The problem is my parents are kinda tight with stuff like this and i don't know how to persuade them to allow me to go... i wouldn't do anything stupid, i have morals!

if you are a parent of teens, would you let them go?




  1. Just talk to them like you are mature and give them all the pros. I had fun the first time I went clubbing.

  2. Just let me tell you that these places are really over rated. Expensive and not that fun. But i understand that you go to an all girls school and they probably dont do co-ed dances. So i see the appeal. Start talking to your girl friends and plan it all out. Get a good size group together (who's parents will let them go as well) and sit down and talk to your parents about it. "mom/ and ___,____,____ (list off like 6-10 girls), then throw in some parents "jennys mom and dad are dropping us off and picking us up, then we're staying there for a sleep over"....plan it all out, every detail. By doing so you can prove to your parents that you are ready and smart enough for a evening of fun. Good luck!

  3. Err, dont tell them "can i go clubbing?"

    Just ask

    "can i go for a night out with friends "

    And if they ask where then just say a disco

  4. Well the club is underaged, you are going with friends. Yeah I would let you go. With a timeframe like home by ____.

    Just approach them maturely. Some of the girls are going out to a Club, it is for underaged people. I would like to join them, I would be home by ___ If it is okay with you.

  5. I would make points giving your parents the pro's and cons. Tell them you'll be back at a certain time and that you'll be careful. Whatever you do, don't yell/scream (shows that you aren't mature) and come back at the time you agree on (or they won't let you go next time)

    Good Luck!

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