
How to ask to get a nose job?

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ok well im going to sound like a superficial wanna be and i know people will judge me right away, so im cool with that i guess? anyways im 14 (i know way to young) and i wasn't blessed with a nice nose at all. it looks kind of like a pigs nose. i hate it so much. i have no other problems with the way i look. and i know flaws are beautiful but this ones so bad i can barley stand it! i really think i nose job would change the way i feel about myself. and i was wondering if someone would give me an idea on how to ask my parents? thanks so much




  1. Your face is still growing, so yes, you are too young.  It'll be at least two years before it is a serious option.  And yes, there are probably doctors out there who would be willing anyway, but I'd find them unscrupulous.  They'd probably be happy to get your repeat business when you need it repaired later.

    Most reputable doctors will not do plastic surgery to "change the way I feel about myself".  That's a red flag, almost a guarantee that you won't be satisfied with whatever results.

    Find your best feature, and emphasize it.  Smile a lot.  Brighten your teeth. Be a good and cheerful friend.  When you love and accept all of yourself, then is the time to decide whether you want or need a new nose.  And then, your parents will probably be more willing to listen.

    By the way, your nose probably runs in the family.  How are the other noses like yours doing?

  2. First of all you have to be 16 to get it done and two, make sure you enough dough to cover the expense. In order to show your parents that you need and can be responsible enough to handle a nose job, show them that you can plan it out and pay for it yourself. Or you can just find acceptance in yourself, which is a lot safer and cheaper :)

  3. If you get a nose job now [At 14] you're nose will continue to grow after the surgery, therefore, morphing the corrected nose - it will end up loknig very strange.

    I have a story to tell you.

    My mum went to school with a girl with a tiny button nose. She didnt HATE it, but she was a little embarassed about it. That was when she was about your age. My mum lost contact with her for 20 years, but  

  4. you could try telling them it would improve your self esteem and confidence, but i wouldnt even bother, at 14 they would have to be crazy to let you do that. just wait til your 18.

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