
How to attract a shark?

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How to attract a shark?




  1. Fresh Blood....!!!

    Injured Fish....!!!

  2. seel and sea lion p**s and blood

  3. fish chunks

  4. Blood...

  5. Put blood or chum (mixture of fish parts and blood) in the water.

    Why are we attracting a shark?

  6. blood and chum(grinded fish)

  7. they can smell blood up to a mile away...

  8. it depends on the shark,really.what kind of shark,exactly?

    only hammerhead sharks are attracted to blood.they mainly nver attack anything unless they smell the scent of blood.a  scent of blood means an injured animal on the sea.that attracts the sharks as injured prey is slower and weaker so it'll be an easy generally,if you run into waters with hammerheads,as lonng as you don't have blood on you,they won't attack.

    but for most sharks,they attack only for different purposes:

    one is when you enter their territory.this is aplicable for most animals as most animals tend to have their own territories that they protect.

    another is when you disturb it as it eats.

    and the third one is when you attack it on purpose.this puts the animal on guard and they mostly attack.shark attacks are caused mainly by this.

    i hope i helped!

  9. Didnt they  use  raw  meat in movie  Jaws,  a  uncooked bloody  roast?

  10. Blood in the water is well known, but urine will work as well.  All a shark has to do is swim through a cloud of dilute urine and it instantly knows everything it needs to know about whether the source is edible.  Sharks not only have tiny teeth all over their bodies (dermal denticles) they also have taste buds among all those skin teeth.

  11. Blood.. why?

  12. blood, wounded fish, fish parts...

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