
How to attract buyers to my websiteØŸ?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe this question had been asking for many times and I asked before about how to attract more (visitors) to a website , I am running web hosting company and I have 600 to 800 visitors per day , but visitors is not really enough , I am thinking of new ways , techniques to gain more buyers / costumers

Any tips?

Please advice




  1. Well,If you have many accounts on a different websites that you can post a comments,always paste the url of your website and explain what was your business about on the box then post it many times on a popular sites that many people can see it.Hope it helps.

  2. Yes, advertise your business with this ad company. They pay you HUGE rebates. So you can make awesome money just for advertising and spending 7-15 minutes a day. or email me. If you want more information.

    Subject Line: FREEDOM

  3. What's your domain name/URL of your website, so we can review your SEO metatags?

  4. There are many blogs where you can gets tips about this. Just subscribe to them by RSS reader. A few good ones:


  5. you can register with advertisement agencies because they will direct customers who are ready to pay you to your site.e.g usfreeads and you can put some pay per click on your site to generate income for you since you have high traffic,when you have generat enough from it,just immediately apply for google adword.that get you targeted people to you websites.visit my blog fot more tips on targeted traffic at

  6. Advertise - on the net - in newspapers etc. Email whoeveryoucan - spam must work otherwise companies wouldn't do it.

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