
How to avoid crime in Barcelona?

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I've booked to go to Barcelona in October with my girlfriend. I was really looking forward to it until i read all the comments on here about pick pocketing and crime. Everyone says dont look like a tourist, how do you do that when you are one!




  1. More crime in London or Paris. Barcelona is beautiful. Check out all the Gaudi architecture and some of the weirder things also. The have 'Gaudis' church(la familia?) and opposite is a bloody Macdonalds restaurant. It looks so weird. Only in Barcelona. Avoid the pattiseries and that, you'll get ripped off. Go to the market, which is half way down on the left. Also the supermarket further up on the left is very reasonable.


  2. I've been there 5 times and never had any problems or even seen any obvious crime such as muggings. I would make sure that you don't look like a tourist by not having one of those silly pouches, keep the guide book in bag and only look at in cafes etc do't read it on the street and don't be loud and arrogant. Just follow sensible precautions and you'll be ok.

  3. if you need to look at a map do it when your in a resturant. Carry a fake wallet with an expired card or buissness car in so if you are stopped you can throw the wallet at them an run, theyll be more interested in the wallet than you and you won't have lost anything.

    invest in a money belt or evenly distribute your money about yourself. Be careful when taking pictures as this is when your not taking interest in your wallet.

    Avoid crowded areas posing tourists can be pick pockets too.

  4. It  is ppretty simple. You will always look like a tourist, because you are walking the sightseeing places.

    First of all, leave your passport and wallet etc, locked up at the reception at the place you are staying and only take that much cash with you that you need during the day. A credit card should be stored in the front pocket of your jeans.

    Cameras keep in your hand most time, you want to take photos anyway, so it is safe and quick..

    don´t take big bags with you, they might cut them open in the subway. To be really safe, buy a money belt and have it strapped around you under jeans and shirt, mut always keep enough cash in your trousers pocket, so you are not standing in a bar or shop or even in the street, fumbling around, searching for money in the belt.

    Do your self a good one. Get a few traveler cheques. If really something happensand you have yoney etc stolen. A credit card takes days to replace, cash is gone forever, but traveler cheques are replaced in an hour.

    After all that, don´t let those thoughts and warnings destroy your holiday. Just keep your eyes open and enjoy Barcelona and your holiday.

  5. Speak to them in catalan...

  6. don't get a map out on the street. make a decision about where you want to go, and how to get there before you leave the last place. don't have cameras etc swinging about your body.

    look like you know what you are doing.

    keep your wits about you.

    don't talk to randoms - no matter how nice or normal they seem.

    by following this advice, I was fine - however, my fiance was told to talk to anyone who approaches him (by his captain) and he was mugged of his mobile.

  7. Try not to look as if your waiting to be robbed, high risk area is las Ramblas,where there is generally lots of crowds, October quiet, so should be OK. Just be aware of putting cash in front pockets where it can not be easily got at.Been a couple of times and never had any problems.

  8. just dont go about with your eyes wide open and dawdling along the street you'll stand out a mile and don't believe all you read its like any other city good and bad and watch where your going keep anywhere that's busy dont go off track

  9. Whether in Barca or anywhere else in the world, only carry with you what you can afford to lose.

    Get a cheap, throw away watch. Leave the flashy jewellery at home. Carry just enough cash for the day/evening and lock the rest in the hotel safe - or a safe deposit box along with your passport and credit cards.

  10. I've know loads of people who have been robbed in Barcelona.  Its put us off going again.  The simple answer is don't take anything of value onto the street.  Take enough money for that day, leave everything else in your room.

    They can't rob you if you don't have anything to take.

  11. Go to Madrid instead.

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