
How to avoid dust allergies?and how to control it?

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How to avoid dust allergies?and how to control it?




  1. Vacuum and use one with a Hepa filter.

    Try Isotonix OPC-3. It is great for people with allergies.

  2. simple medicines in simple and minimum doses can correct these small small problems which snowball into lifetime malady.  Keep away from antihystamines, anti-allergic medicines than from dust.  Self  hyptnotise yourself into believing there is no allergens and there is no allergies.  There is a small defect inside you with your life force which need minor correction and once it is corrected the body will not be reacting the way it does nor the mind continuously and subconsciously alert you into releasing hystamines out of place exhibiting body defense mechanisms in excess.  All you need for this sometimes may be one dose or two doses ( a few globules) of simple homeo medicines like natrum mur(common salt), allium cepa (onion), nux vomica ( a fruit alkaloid).    

           Allium Cepa 30 three doses normally correct the situations where there is sinus like situations with stuffed nos, (onion peeled like situations)  when you are told you have dust allergy and your subconscious mind react to the sight and presence of dust releasing a variety of symptoms cumulatively nomenclatured as allergy to dust.  

          Nux Vomica 30 is yet another medicine of value which can be tried.  Yet another important medicine is Pothos Q.  Arsenicum Album, Natrum Mur and few other medicines can be helpful as intercurrent remedies.   A good homeopath can help you with the choice of medicine conducive to the type of mess you are in.  Always use medicines in consultation with doctor.  with best wishes.

  3. Saw dust? Silica dust? Bamboo dust? There is only one answer for allergy- stay far away from the allergen, rest is common sense. At the most you can have anti allergy drug if you know you cant avoid the exposure.

  4. Just keep on cleaning your home.  From windows to floorings.  Be sure to use wet rugs to wipe the dusts.  For if you will just sweep the floor or use feather duster, the more the dusts will be inhaled.  So, better use wet rugs in getting rid of the dusts at home.  Then let him/her drink more water from 10-12 glasses of water every day.  Everytime he/she leaves the house, see to it that he/she brings with him/her a handkerchief or 2 to cover his/her nose.

    Take care and GOD BLESS!

  5. Hi dude, Nothing can be done for dust allergy. The only thing you can do is you can avoid yourself from dust. I too have the same problem from my childhood. Not yet cured. Always have a mask over your nose and mouth whenever you are exposed to dust. You can't avoid it. Try to live with it.

  6. Yoga the best remedy for allergies

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