
How to avoid eating at school?

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Yes, hello, I am about to start school in about 3-4 days and i am on a fast, I'm trying to do a 14 day fast and I don't want to ruin it by eating at school, but if I don't eat and people will notice and will think I have an Eating disorder or something.. So what do I do, give my food away to other students or any ideas? Please help, 10 points if you really have a good answer




  1. Just say you always eat big breakfasts and by lunchtime your not really that hungry. or that you just dont like the schools food trust me. i never eat schools food because i dont think its good at all and my friends never ask why and if they do i just say its gross haha

  2. How many days are you into your fast?  Since school starts in a few days, and you would be a few days in, I wouldn't worry about it.  If anyone asked you could say that you are doing a fast, or that you're anxious and don't feel like eating.

  3. first dont buy food or just buy a small fruit or juce or snack and secret;ly put in in your scholl bag so no one think u didnt eat or for 1-2 days tell ppl u arent hungry cauz u have stomach pain or headache or

    give the food to a freind u eally can share this secret or somthing ...

  4. tell them you eat when you get home if your school lets out pretty early

    tell them you eat big breakfasts and big dinners

    or pretend like you keep forgetting your lunch or the school food is nasty

  5. just skip lunch and do work in the library or something. and fasting is not really healthy your body isn't really meant to run off nothing for 14 days especially when your at school. try taking away hot water in showers or a different kind of fast. I'm not trying to change you or anything but that's a really long time for your brain to go without all things it needs.

    oh and you can tell them you are taking an adhd medicine that kills your appetite. my Friend never eats at lunch when he takes his pill  

  6. If by fast you mean "not eating", I really don't think you should.  You could try eating roughly 1250 calories a day and exercising, as that is not only more healthy, but will probably make you feel better and help you keep the weight off.

    Just my opinion

    Good luck!

  7. just drink water or something or say your not hungry yet cause you ate breakfest adn are still full.

  8. if any one asks say that u dont like school lunch

  9. Just tell them you're on a fast, then if they ask why, just tell them why. They'll understand♥ Yea, just give your food to the jocks... they would eat a bus if they could. But a 14 day fast is very unhealthy, so you should eat a little at least, and you have to drink water, or you'll die within a week.

  10. Oh come on, no one will help you starve.

    If your concerned about your weight, don't fast just have a healthy. 3 decent meals, try for 5 fruit and veg but realisticly 3 (good for snacks at break and things) and excercise 30mins a day.

    You'll sure to loose the pounds and get down to a HEALTHY weight.

    Fasting for 14 days will probably kill you at your age, you really want to do that to your family just to look good?

  11. Well, first of all, if you tell people why you do it, they won't make fun you and should be understanding.

    But if i were you I would organize my locker or go to the library or hang out or help a teacher until you can eat again!

  12. sorry what do you mean by fast?are you simply talking about diet?or fast?

    you go on a fast in ramadan and that has not started yet

  13. I don't think you should avoid eating at school, just avoid eating unhealthy foods.  Bring a variety of naturally healthy snacks high in fiber and eat them whenever you feel hungry.  Edamame is a great snack with few calories and soy protein like these

    or fresh fruits.  The fiber content in food is what will satisfy your hunger the most, so if you must avoid eating at all, eat a well-balanced breakfast in the morning high in fiber so you'll stay more satisfied during the day.

  14. who cares what people think about you. you definitely shouldn't. it's not their problem. anyway, if they MUST know, tell them you are on a fast and to get over it. because drama b*****s are completely annoying.      

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