
How to avoid fights?

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This girl named Anne keeps starting fights with us and hits us and stuff. Is there any way to avoid it? It's really annoying.

Like I was walking by and she just started hitting me and we got into a big fight and I don't think that many people cared except Mom. Felicity don't like her either.




  1. just punch her when she not looking and everybody will give you respect

  2. u a girl too?ask her frankly if what she wants from u...then if she wont tell u just tell a word that can make her feel bad...or talk to her and make friends...cause everyone must e friends..let her understand...

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    ive been in that situation before...trus me!

  3. You need to raise some money for Karate lessons.

  4. CRACK A LACK her, I mean lay her totally out.  If you cant fight, befriend someone that can.  I know I would.  Maybe thats why  nobody starts anything with me.  I can scrap! :)~

  5. How old are you? If your a teen I think it's safe to call it self defense and mess her up next time.

  6. after school when nobodys around find her and bash her and then she will never wont to fight you again

  7. if someone hits you, hit them back!

    unless they're weaker than you are then try to avoid fighting

    but if they're the same as you or stronger, then you gotta fight back ;0

  8. when she keeps hitting you , bare in mind she must be very insecure and jealous of you for some reason, there is always a problem...but on the other hand if she is just a horrible cow then there is but one solution, just knock fook out of her and her mates, i got bullied once in high school few years back, and every time the guys came over to give ****, they soon learned that one of them will leave with a broken nose, i didnt care if they jumped me , just as long as u hit the one who caused it and hit him hard then u win, they never did bother me again, so then i did my own thing then, i found each one of them whilst they where alone and i battered them so hard for what they do, know one fooked with me again.

  9. hit her back

  10. back hand the bitc*

  11. Dump her a$$ fast!!Jail sucks man.

  12. Make out with her.  Girls always forget all the bad stuff I've done to them once we make out.

  13. You say she hits us. Perhaps she's jealous she doesn't have friends. Is it possible you and your friends have offended her? Could you reach out to her in kindness and try to include her in the group?  This would prevent a lot of this anger from her.

    Ever heard the saying, "Kill them with kindness".  It's true and it works.

    The Bible tells us to "Love one another, as we love ourselves".  That's hard to do.  Isn't it?  Yet, when we really try, we find the greatest friends in the least likely people.

    Your mom is right to care about this problem.  No one should be hitting another person.  It is wrong for her to hit you.  You shouldn't hit her back.  Avoid this, because it never solves a problem.  It creates more problems, plus someone could get hurt.  It's dangerous and not very intelligent to physically fight.  Animals fight.  Humans should not.    Intelligent humans use their brains to out wit their adversaries. I can tell by the way you write, you are smart.

    Have you asked Anne why she's doing this to you and your friends?  Use what I've told you above. Explain to her you aren't willing to compromise your values and morals. Therefore, you won't ever be hitting another person.

    If, she continues to hit you, after this. Have your mom report it to the police, as it comes under "domestic violence".  Hopefully, your mother can talk to her mother about this for you and settle the matter.

    Blessing to you, Felicity and Anne<><:)  

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