
How to avoid framing?

by  |  earlier

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well, first of all, i was frounded because i didnt stop my friend from stealing from sears, so i wasnt aloud to talk to him, now, before that, he stole from my other friend scott, but it was just a watch, so i stole it from him, and gave it back to scott when he got home, 3 weeks later. He then told me that more than a watch was stolen, and that the theif (my friend chris) would be in trouble, so i told all of this to chris on msn, so now he flipped out and told his mom everything, and he told his mom that i stole everything, and more, from somebody elses house, and i had no clue what they were talking about. Now they are saying, that if the police show up at their house, that I'm going to get in trouble, meanwhile, i did nothing wrong, how do i get out of this situation?




  1. i would say, cut your ties with this situation and move on in life...this is nothing but a bunch of trouble that im sure you dont need at this point.

    just remember, what exactly can they prove?

  2. if there's no way to even prove you ahve this c**p to begin with, deny everything. Deny you even know these weirdos. THe more you speak, the more trouble you get yourself into.

  3. Go to an attorney. He will give you advice. If you can prove that someone is trying to frame you, they are in big trouble. The thing is, you must always have evidence first, before you can accuse anybody of anything.

  4. OK... well here's the thing. You should never have stole the watch back... because by giving it to your friend you have implicated that you KNEW about it and that is as bad as doing it.

    First things first... TELL YOUR MOM!!!! The more she knows the more she can protect you. TELL your friend the one that had the stuff stolen..TELL him You are sorry you know so and so took the watch.. Which is why you took it back so you could return it to him. TELL him this IN FRONT OF HIS PARENTS!!!! THEN tell them what this other kid said and is going to do.

    NEXT NEVER SPEAK TO THAT THIEF AGAIN!! You are asking for trouble by continuing to be friends with this kid. If he steals from someone he will probably steal from you.

    And last but not least. BE HONEST. Honesty can be read in your face and actions. Cops KNOW. they aren't stupid. SO does your mom.

    Chris can't frame you unless you hid everything from the people that need to know. Come clean and be honest. It ;looks better in the long run. And just an idea you might want to have your mom with you when you talk to scott and his parents.

    Be prepared for punishment because you knew and didnt say anything before.

    Good luck
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