
How to avoid nausea with these seeds?

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i have some hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, ten of them. i am planning on taking all ten to make sure i get some sort of effect out of them.

i have read about and seen one person vomitting from these things. apart from the nasty feeling of nausea, it is a waste of money to sick up the seeds.

does anyone know of any steps i can take to avoid feeling sick because of these things?





  1. The nausea will come after the effect has kicked in, so if you are sick you won't be wasting anything.

  2. i've done morning glories and now the taste makes me gag.

    what i do now is throw the seeds in a blender with water and blend for about 10 minutes(yes, LSA bonds with water, but since you're using hawiian baby woodrose seeds, i'd sugest using about 2-3 shots of some strong vodka since you have less seeds). it's the husks that make you vomit so use a coffee filter to get thos out and drink the LSA-laced liquid.

    happy tripping!

  3. if it makes you sick...why bother???

  4. I would be sure to take it with enough water.  This will help them to break down moreso and have a less irritating effect on your stomach and intestines.  

    If you are really concerned drink a glass of milk about an hour before taking them to calm your stomach acid.

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