
How to avoid shrinking cotton shirts?

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everytime i buy a new shirt i wear it once then it shrinks so what should i do?




  1. #1) Buy high quality, pre-shrunk Tees.

    #2) Wash and rinse with cold water only.

    #3) Dry on low/delicates.

  2. After washing them in cold, I put them in the dryer on low for 10 minutes or less. This takes out a lot of wrinkles. The I put them on plastic hangers right away. It's a huge pain, but it works. A bonus is that the shirts don't wear out as fast because they don't tumble in the crowded dryer.

  3. Cotton will shrink in any type of heat. I wash mine in cold water only, then place in the dryer on delicate and I have a setting to stop when still damp dry. Then I hang them and they stay true to size. You wont get shrinkage until the drying of the fabric is happening. So either use theat cycle if you have it, or just put it in for ten minutes at a time till you feel they are only damp, then hang. That way the heaviness of very wet material doesn't drag the shirt down making it hang funny on  you. They also quickly air dry from that  point.

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