
How to avoid the "In conslusion" cliché?

by Guest56878  |  earlier

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Whats a good alternative?




  1. If you have written a decent paper it should be fairly simple for your conclusion to  flow from it. No teacher on the face of this planet needs to be told that a conclusion is imminent. Probably they are praying for it anyway. Certainly, if you feel the need to say "in conclusion" you have given them every possible marker along the way. Real writing does not need to identify its parts. When is the last time you read a novel that said "In rising action . . ." Really, just write your paper and have the courage of your convictions.

  2. In less formal essays 'In conclusion' (as a signpost phrase) may be replaced with 'To sum (it all) up' or 'To conclude'.

  3. The obvious is replacement is "In summary".  

    More subtley just say what you want to conclude with. The statement "in conclsion" is just an obvious way of getting accademic markers to recognise your concluding.

  4. "I have tried to show that....  "

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