
How to avoy google adwords high cost?

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I just started a new business about learning spanish in London. Google is tooo expensive




  1. sThe main question you need to ask yourself is:  How much is a good lead really worth to your company.  For example if a customer is worth $1000.  So, if you get 10 clicks at 3 dollars each, it costs you $30 in clicks.  Get one customer at a $1000 less $30 the cost of clicks, thats a $970 gross profit!  Cost is sometimes irrealvant. ROI

  2. AdWords is the best but costs are high. Theres a solution I found on some forums though and I love it. I use about $1,500 in adwords credit a month and never pay a dime. The guide I got for free adwords is at

    You should really check into it, no sense in paying for something that can be free.

  3. The program that I use everyday for my online website is

    Webtrafficmarketing it offers instant daily access to one of the largest databasesof legit email addresses available to online marketers, and all of the recipients have double opted in to recieve marketing messages.

    Just log in, enter your offer and hit send. Blast any ad you wish. If you have more than one website, no problem, change your ad or email with each blast. Once you are signed up as a member you are a member for life.

    I believe that you will find the program very useful in your marketing efforts.

  4. Google Adwords is still the best.  What you need is to have the knowledge on how to beat Adwords.  Very likely your keyword is too broad.  For a keyword like "learn spanish" will be very very expensive.  It might cost you more than $2 for a top 3 listing. This keyword is too broad and is not targeting your niche.

    Instead, you must go for long tailed keywords like...."learn to speak spanish fast".  Its more targeted and cost 0.11 cents per click.  Do some research or if not you will get burnt but with a proper know-how, your niche is yours for the taking.

    Wish you success

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