
How to back out of plans made with a friend?

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A friend of mine asked me to go out of town for a day and a half and at the time I said yes. I am not one to go out of town very often and just thinking about going in making me nervous. I don't know why I said yes. What is a good way to back out without being rude? If any of you have been in this position, I would appreciate your advice!




  1. Be upfront and honest is the best way to handle any situation.  If this person is your friend she/he will understand

  2. Maybe this will be good for you.  think about it.  If you don't do this often, then maybe it can be different and a change of pace.  Sometimes I think like you do, then I do it anyway and I end up having a great time.  But if you really don't want to do this, just tell your friend you are nervous of going and be upfront and to the point

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