
How to backup a semi trailer 45 degree angle to dock?

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I am currently in trucking school and I cannot seem to get the hang of docking a diesel at a 45 degree angle. This skills test is required to be licensed so if you have any tips, please help! like most truckers nowadays, i have risked everything to go through school and succeeding so if you have any tips, please help...thank you




  1. just keep practicing that's how you learn watch other students do it and see how they get set up to do this sorry this is all I have to offer cant really explain how to do it Good luck I know you can do this

  2. I was taught to pull along the front of the docks keeping the whole rig in a straight line. (this could also be a row of trailers that are already docked) Be careful not get to close that the trailer can clear during turns,,anyway,,as you approach the dock you want park, when your body is centered in the lane make a sharp 90deg turn to the right and proceed in that direction. (keep in mind this done very slowly) continue going in this direction while watching your trailer landing gear in your mirror. When you see the halfway point between the legs, immediately make a hard 90deg turn to the left. Continue forward in this direction till the tractor is straight. If you look, the trailer will now be at 45 deg to the dock. A common mistake is not pulling forward enough to get the tractor at a right angle to a dock lane. NOW G.O.A.L. ( hope you know what this means !!!!  Back up and slowly watch the trailer start to head into the slot. You will need to crank the wheels to make corrections as it continues into the slot. Finally when you sure the trailer is in position, bring the nose of the tractor back around to make it straight with the trailer. Don't try to do this in one move...make a pull-up and when the whole rig is straight,,,push back to the dock.

    Experience is the best teacher,,just keep practicing. There is no shame in pull-ups just shame in collisions...(G.O.A.L.)

    ps. this was intended for a sight side back, where the dock/slot would be on your left.

  3. This might sound totally crazy, but this is the one thing that helped it "click" for me, when it came to backing.  

    My biggest problem was knowing how, and when, to give appropriate corrections to the trailer, when it wasn't going the way I wanted.  I made it through school yet I still had trouble.  My trainer had worked with me and still I had a hard time knowing which way to turn the wheel, to make the trailer do what I wanted.  My "left" and "right" got turned around in my head when I looked in the mirror.'s what helped me.  I love dogs, so my trainer associated it with a dog.  If you pretend the rear end of that trailer is an unruly puppy and it's running off and going the wrong way....put your hand at 12:00 on the steering wheel and pretend you're holding a rolled-up newspaper.  That hand is going to go TOWARDS the "bad puppy" (trailer) and slap it, to make it go the other way.  

    So whichever mirror you look into and see the trailer going the wrong way, you take your "newspaper hand" and slap it, and it'll go the other way.  

    My husband tells me I'm messed in the head, and my way of thinking confuses him :).....but I figured I'd throw it out there, you never know what will make it click for someone.  Other than that, you just gotta practice.  Ask for help....that's what the teachers are for.  Other students who've gotten the hang of it should be willing to help you, too.  Lots of people have a tough time with backing.....just hang in there, I didn't think I'd ever figure it out, either....but one day, it will click for you, too.

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