
How to backup files remotely when operating system can't load?

by  |  earlier

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My Sony VAIO, after being dropped, is unable to load the operating system. If you have tips on fixing this, please do share.

However, my real question is, how do I backup that VAIO remotely? Or copy specific, important files? I have a 2nd computer and one of those USB-to-USB cords (however, the software that was included with it requires installation on both computers). Thanks.




  1. You probably will not be able to backup any files if it does not boot to the OS.  You can take it to a qualified computer technician and have them try to recover the hard drive.  You should know that this will not be cheap.  Unfortunately nobody thinks to do a backup of their important files until something goes wrong.  Good luck!

  2. Download Knoppix 9since you obviously have a working computer ) and burn it to a cd. After that turn your laptop on and pop in your drive quuickly, and press enter when prompted. This is a bootabe IOS and you should be able to access your files through this. (i dropped my laptop down the stairs and used knoppix to grab my files off of it). Good luck !

    PS even though the knoppix download takes really long time, its totally worth it.  

  3. This is a tough one, if the computer turns on and passes the computer checks and does not load the OS could mean that the hard drive is failing, which is where your data is. If this is the situation I would put in the OS disk and run a repair, to see if it fixes the OS info and runs it, but you said you dropped it which could have damage the internal workings of it and there is no fix for that, time to get a new hard drive and be more careful.

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