
How to balance school and love life?

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Ok so after winter break I'm moving to another high school. My boyfriend and I see each other in the mornings and after school. But in the mornings is like 15 minutes till the bell rings and 5 minutes in the afternoons because we both have different buses to catch. So after winter break, I'm not gonna be able to see him because i'll be in another school. I'm not even allowed to see him all weekends, just some. Is this good for our relationship? I'm not talking about puppy love, I'm talking about LOVE. And I wanna do really really good this year.




  1. Personally, I don't believe in distant relationships, it's too hard to make them work and prevent the bond from fading. If you don't see your love one as much as you should, and you spot someone that has a crush on you, I believe that is the end of your old love, and if the other person does not feel the same way, hurtful conflict. Works the other way around too.

    If you really got a feel for this guy and this guy for you, I hope you guys go out Saturday and Sunday, or make those days your name and his name (Sandra, and Sunny). "Oh, what are you doing on Sunnyday?"

    Good luck to both of you.

  2. Well if you wont see your boyfriend, you can visit once in a while.

    at least there is some balance in between

  3. You will have to make a choice between school and boyfriend time.

    There's only 24 hours in the day, as you know, and most of it should be devoted to your schooling and preparations for adulthood (you aren't one yet).

    If it is true love, that sort that lasts forever, then it will wait its turn for when you are adults.  If it isn't forever love, its the kind of love from which you have to walk away in order to shoulder your responsibilities.

  4. Very simple.  School first, love later.

  5. school can interfere with relationships, A LOT. the most important thing right now is school, no matter how much you like/love him.

    If you can text/call him when ever, thats great, it will feel like hes closer than you think he is. although you won't be able to see him as often, nor every weekend, it will make seeing him worth it and you'll look forward to it more. If you guys' really are in "love", you guys will both feel it when you see eachother after a long time.

  6. well, web cams work pretty well.

    take your time. if it is real love and you are both committed to each other, it will all work out. school first for now as that will make the future run a bit smoother and that is good for a relationship!

  7. Being apart will test the relationship. Geographical distance always tests relationships.

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