
How to be PREGNANT???

by  |  earlier

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no i do not know this, i 'm 6 years old




  1. Learn from butterfly :):):):)

  2. Hey,you are the one who wants to know how to become a loser.And you are only six years old,asking a serious question on how to get pregnant.You are  

    either a precocious child or trying to have fun at others' expense.If the latter,it is not funny.If the former,you already know how.Either way,I admire your gall or should I say you are a ballsy girl?

  3. lol have s*x-

    p***s in v****a- without contraceptives-

    if you arent sterilized and he isnt you should be able to make a baby-but dont you know this!

  4. Please read this article.






    See a gynecologist with your husband. The doctor may ask your husband to see an urologist with you.

    This way you will eliminate any health problem that might be keeping you from conceiving, by medicating them or correcting it with procedures (him and/or her both of you two as needed).

    Gynecologist will give a kit, it is a natural method to conceive, it will have instructions some blank charts for record keeping and it will have a thermometer to check temperature, under the breast of the female partner.

    Make sure you read the instruction in the office and ask the doctor whatever you do not understand; doctor or nurse on duty will explain it to you and the partner.

    Conceiving is a perfect science.

  5. Consult a gynaecologist. Be prepared to conceive. Have faith in God.Believe in yourself.Think positively.

  6. what exactly are you asking????

  7. asked your dad.. and look at him and say "you better not be lying cause sooner or later imma fine out the truth" lol asked him

  8. i guess we need to inform this to  borat  

  9. 6 years old????? talk to ur mom baby....

  10. If your 6 you have no business on yahoo..

    now go clean your room!!!

    I'm calling child protective services!

  11. put pillow inside your t shirt you will be pregnant  

  12. Um, well, I'm not exactly sure what you're asking.  If it's how to GET pregnant, you might try the fertility section for more specifics, but there's pretty much just s*x or invitro fertilization for that one.  As far as how to behave while pregnant, or what to do while pregnant, there's a section about that, too, but your best bet would be to talk to your OB/GYN in case you have specific issues that no one here would know about.  Other than that, your question makes no sense, you might try to be more specific, I'm afraid to say more descriptive.
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