
How to be a Physical Education Teacher.

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I have a Bachelor degree in Sport Management: Wellness and Fitness from Cal U what classes would I need to take in order to be to be a high school physical education teacher?




  1. I can answer this question as a teacher who recently went through the credentialing process.  Here are the requirements for becoming a teacher in California:

    1)  Bachelor's degree in any core teaching field (which you already have).

    2)  Complete the "basic skills" requirement.  This is done by taking and passing the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST).

    3)  Complete a single subject teacher preparation program including successful student teaching, and obtain a formal recommendation for the credential by the California college or university where the program was completed.  These classes are usually year-long and cover everything from classroom management and lesson planning to actual field experience in a classroom setting.  Luckily, these programs now include the health and ELD teaching classes, so you will automatically receive an authorization for teaching English language learners once you finish the program.

    4)  Verify subject matter competence by one of the following methods:

    a. Achieve a passing score on the appropriate subject-matter examination(s) which may be the Single Subject Aptitute Test(SSAT/PRAXIS) or more commonly the California Subject Exam for Teachers (CSET).  In your case, you would take the three Physical Education subject tests under CSET.

    b. Complete a Commission-approved subject-matter program or its equivalent and obtain verification of completion from the authorized person in the education department of a California college or university with an approved program.  This may be the better option for you since you already have a bachelor's in a related Physical Education field.  You should check with your college's P.E. department chair or Dean of Schools and see if the classes you have taken qualify you for a Subject Matter Examination Waiver, in which case you do not have to do any testing except the CBEST test mentioned earlier.

    5)  Satisfy the Developing English Language Skills, including Reading requirement by completing a comprehensive reading instruction course that includes the following: the systematic study of phonemic awareness, phonics, and decoding; literature, language and comprehension; and diagnostic and early intervention techniques.

    6)  Complete a course (two semester units or three quarter units) in the provisions and principles of the U.S.Constitution or pass an examination given by a regionally-accredited college or university.

    7)  Complete foundational computer technology course work that includes general and specialized skills in the use ofcomputers in educational settings.

    If you do all these things, you will be issued a Preliminary Single Subject Teaching Credential, good for five years, in Physical Education.  You will then need to complete a two-year beginning teacher program called BTSA (Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment).

    Upon completion of BTSA, you will receive a Clear Single Subject Teaching Credential, good for five years which to renew you just notify the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing one month prior to your expiration date that you wish to renew, and then pay a processing fee.

    Hope this answers your question completely!

    For more information, visit which is the CA Commissionon Teacher Credentialing website.

    Good luck on entering the profession!

  2. Well, in Annie Hall, Woody Allen puts it like this:

    "Those who can't do, teach. And those who can't teach, teach gym. And of course, those who couldn't do anything, I think, were assigned to our school."

    I don't know how true that is, but most public schools require you to have some sort of teaching license. Private schools may not.  

  3. you would have to give physically  educate your students.

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