
How to be a big brother

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im 13 and my mom is pregnet (girl) and i was wondering how do be a good big bro when theres so much of an age diffrence... when shes in kinergarden ill be going to collage :'( so how would i be a good big brother i mean i'd vary raily get to see her or even help her




  1. Be the best help you can to your mom, and when the baby's born just love it. Set a good example through your teenage years, you may think she'll be too young to remember, but you'd be surprised.

  2. help your mum. now as shes likely to be tired. also offer to wheel the baby around the block. so mum can get some sleep during day.  

  3. This is a easy one.............

      First help your parents out by saying you want to take classes in infant cpr,and first aid.Let them know you want to learn how to change a diaper,burp the baby, how to wipe a girl,make a bottle etc.

    When you do get to see her do special things with her,take her to that kiddie movie you know you just cant stand,but she wants to see it so you go anyway.

    She is going to look up to you so being a good role model is HUGE.Don't do anything to break the law you know  what I mean? When you come home to do your laundry,ask her about her day,help her with her home work,or just color in her coloring books with her.

    The most important thing you can do to be a good brother is to love her.

  4. You will have 5 years or so to get to know her before you leave for college, so make them count.

    Care about her - teach her stuff - change her diapers.

    When you go to college, send her postcards and letters - and when you're home, be a good example.  As she gets older, let her know you're there for her.

    That way, when she needs help she'll come to you later in life.

  5. i have two big brothers and one is going to college soon

    whenever u'd call when ur in college try to ask to talk to your sister that would be nice

    also do stuff with her alot if shes bored and things to keep her busyy.

    hope this helps i kno when i was littler my bros did this to me and i was one happy kid!


  6. make friends with her.i think it's a good idea

  7. I know how you feel. My borother is 11 years older than I am, and right now I'm only 13 too. He's 24, but I feel that he'

    s probably the best brother. I found that when your older sibblings are older, they're better at being one. when the sibblings are close they fight, like me and my 4 younger sibblings. Older might not always be better, but all the kids always respect them more.

  8. Congrats on your soon to be new role of Big Brother!  How exciting!

    I have friends who have babies, who also have older sons in high school.  Once the baby is born, you'll fall into your new role instinctively.  You'll realize once you're in college that the fact you are IN college is being a good brother - it's being a good role model.  Your sister will be able to brag about her Big Brother and all his achievments, and how much he loves her.

    Just be there to give love and support.  As a baby you can do that by craddling her, talking to her, holding her, etc.  As a toddler you can do that by encouraging her to take her first steps, reading a book to her, and so much more.  

    You'll see, things will just fall into place.

    Congrats again and best of luck to you!

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