
How to be a disney channel actress?????!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I REALLY want it with ALL of my heart and i am willing to work VERY hard. It is my absoulute DREAM! Im being very serious (and no rude comments please!)

so could some of you please take me over the steps.

like first i am going to do acting classes & singing classs as well.

question1- do you NEED to sing to be a disney channel actress? or have the leading role in a disney channel show (im not a naturally good singer but i will work hard on it!!)

question2- talent agents? do you need one? do they help? what do they do? How to find a GOOD one that will not scam me?!

question3-any advice? what are the steps you go threw? how fast can it happen?

people with experience in acting AND/OR the disney channel **please note you have that experience and wich kind*

and what are the chanses it will happen if i work VERY hard .

[im 13 and i wanna be like a teenage actress]


any other advice at all?! ~ would help alot.

and answer all the questions please beacuse my mom and i are confused and dont know where to start. so - Ware do you start?

last questions- is it hard to get ? how hard? what am i up against?

please help!





  1. I too want to become an actress on disney channel! But i'm 14..

    I was really confused aswell but I found some stuff out.

    -You have to work really really hard! This isn't just a walk in the park.

    -You have to be willing to give up everything.

    -You have to deal with being rejected.

    -You must have talent, they don't just hire anybody.

    -It takes ALOT of work.

    -Go to as many auditions as possible.

    -Take acting classes if you can.

    -Sign up for plays or talent shows at your school or local theaters.

    -Get an agent if possible... They help you find auditions near you.

    -Do NOT pay an agent before they get the job done... It's a scam.

    -Most actresses and actors started when they were babies so it might be harder for you then them.

    -Stay confident... they like confident people.

    -You MUST be very very determined.

    -You need experience so try to do as many things as possible.

    I hope I helped!!! Good luck. :]]

    Hope to see you on the big screen one day.

  2. I didn't read all that because the bottom line is this.  Go to Disney Studios and audition.  

  3. it might help to join the worship of Helenistic false gods.

    ive been told that the kiss between madonna and britney was religious ritual that compares to such rituals

  4. You need to get involved in acting first, they won't just randomly walk up to you and ask.  

  5. you should get into acting classes and ask the pros

  6. I really want to be an actress too! I am only 12 but I think it would be so awesome to be a disney channel actress I always watch disney channel. I think the younger you are the better to audition. I don't know :S

  7. I'm just gong to tell you first off kid, it's great ou want to do acting it's one of the best things in life i think. but.....

    1. you and ever other teenage girl want to be on disney channel and it's most liley no going to happen..but if it's your dream I will try ad help you reach it

    2. You want to be whats called a "triple threat" that means that youramazing at dance, singing, and acting.

    3. take acting classes dance classes singing classesyou can't go into an audtiotn haing o expricance

    4.have fun with it! :]

  8. Acting isn't a walk in the park. Be prepared for anything.

    -Some roles on Disney Channel don't involve singing at all.

    -Be prepared. You might get rejected.

    -You have to work hard. Really, really hard.

    -More than likely, you'll have to have a talent scout.

    Best of luck!

  9. For some reason yahoo won't let me post my answer. I think it's because it's too long, so I'm gonna try posting it in three or four parts.

    It's my dream too, I'm 14. I've had an agent now for a little over a year. I've been to numerous auditions, and I've actually gotten like 3 roles. I'm just the same way, I'm not naturally a good singer but I have pitch and work really hard.

    1. I highly doubt you need to be able to sing to be a Disney Channel actress, unless of course it's a singing role.

  10. Take a look at the answers the other kids got.  Only pay attention to the adults.  You'll see there are tons of kids who want the same thing.  Think of it in terms of numbers.  Think about if every kid in your school wanted the same thing.  And only one of them would get it.  Would you think you would have a good chance to be the one?  Now picture 200 schools and only one kid gets the prize.  Those are your chances.

    Take some professional level classes.  You'll see you are not the only one who wants it and not the only one with talent.  You're up against insurmountable odds.  And if you don't live in LA your chances are zero.  Why not act in school and find a kid's theater group?  Stardom is a fantasy.  Not reality.

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