
How to be a funny person but still look sophisticated?

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How to be a funny person but still look sophisticated?




  1. Slipping in a joke once in a while is okay. Don't act like a clown and don't try too hard to be funny  

  2. Two different things entirely and really unrelated. Funny to me is someone who tells all sorts of jokes and makes everyone laugh. It would be extremely difficult to put on an act it is something that comes naturally to some. I think you are more referring to saying the right thing at the right time and adding humour occassionally? Main thing would be to listen carefully what it being said. If you are somewhere, as in a partner's business dinner and you don't have much knowledge of his business, you can look animated when someone is talking of this but best not to put your foot in it if a subject you do not know.  If you know a situation is likely to come up you can always ask a bit about what the business does etc. It is then easy to say to someone something like "Yes I understand a little about-------------------- but perhaps you could enlighten me more". This way you are showing interest (even if you are bored stiff) and you could put in a funny comment like men and their jobs are like boys and their toys. Only of course if it was a senario as I have just mentioned.  Probably you can think of a funnier and smarter comment than that.  With sophistication, take time over your appearance the evening before you have somewhere important to attend or even if you just generally want to look sophisticated.  Excellent grooming, well hung clothes, no creases, matching accessories and no matter what height you are 'Walk Tall'. Easy isn't it?

  3. Be like Joan Rivers,and act like a mad old slapper!

  4. 1) Dress appropriately based on the event you are going to

    2) Understand what jokes/conversations to have in what types of company

    3) Know when to quit/silence is golden

    4) Speak properly

    5) Sophisticated people can also hold an intelligent conversation on current events, finance, social topics, politics, etc...  you have to have these AS WELL as a sense of humor.  

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