
How to be a good best friend with an opposite s*x?

by  |  earlier

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i'm in-love with my friend... he ask me if i could be his best friend... and i said yes but how will i be a good friend to him?... btw he knows that i have a crush on him...




  1. hmmm. thats like my situation only he likes me and i dont. well just be there if he needs u and just be cool. like dont act all weird just cuz u know that he knows that u like him. just like act like ya i like u. is that a problem? and if he says it is then be lke well ur an ***. shut up.

    thats what i say to any who says something i dont like. and how do u get that pic of u on there instead of an avatar?

  2. I know where you are coming from . The thing everyone here is missing is how bad it hurts to love someone who doesn't love you back!!!! He tells her about the girls he likes and flirts with girls with her right there. That kills The person with the feelings. It's not easy being a best friend to someone you care about. It used to hurt me so bad, I would go home at night and cry. I didn't want to hear about all his love interests,I wanted to be the one. You might have to get out of the relationship if it starts hurting too much. Wait a little while and if he doesn't seem to like you anymore than a friend and it is hurting to bad,get out of it and maybe,just maybe he will see what he was missing and realize he liked you more than a friend when you are not at his fingertips anymore. You will know when it's time to go or if you can put up with the hurt it is up to you.GOOD LUCK!!!!

  3. You know you will always have some type of interest in men.. who can turn out to be your best friends. But, remember.. you can find out so much more about that person being their friend.. instead of their girlfriend.. and use it as education later down the road. To hopefully become their girlfriend.

  4. Be nice to him. Tell him your secret so he can tell you his.

    Whenever he gets into trouble you just help him out to get through it. And that would be better if he knows you have a crush on him. Just be nice to him and see what happens. Maybe you guys can go to the next level but more than best friends.

    Good luck to you and all the best. = ]

  5. Trust me having guys as your best friends is better then having girls as your best friends. Because they don't stab you in the back and talk about you and stuff. But being friends with a guy, especially one who knows you like him, doesn't have to be awkward, because remember, he's the one that asked you to best friends. But that could mean he just wants to remain friends. Either way the best way to be a good friend with him is to let him know your there for him. Go to him when you have problems with your girl friends. And when he has problems with his friends, let him know that you will be there for him as he was for you. But most importantly, don't let your crush get in the way of your guys' friendship. Because he may just want to be friends with you. Orrrr he could want this to be the way he intends to find out if he wants you to be more then a friend or not. Either way, it sounds like he is giving you a chance. So take it! :)

    Show him your a great person.

    Goodluck :)


  6. That's cute, just be a friend like if he was any other girl friend.

    Answer mine please! It's a little like yours;...

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