
How to be a great skater?

by  |  earlier

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I ve got a rip i girl and i wann be really good how?




  1. a rip stick is hard to ride for me and even do a simple ollie

    but with good practice and what the girl on top said you ll need coordination

    so keep practicing

    but i suggest you start off with a regular skateboard

  2. I have no idea what a rip stick is, but if you want to be great at anything you need to PRACTICE.

  3. Well you've got to have good skills and co-ordination to land every single trick made this make take lots of practice but what the heck its a great sport to do. Once you've learn a load of tricks with good co-ordination the its time to make a video, a sponsor me video, a sponsor me video needs a least amount of time but the most tricks in it their are many kinds of sponsors you could get picked from; element,adio,almost,vans,es,globe,enjoi and much much more!

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