
How to be a high school cheergirl?

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My sis has been a cheergirl through highschool, since we were freshmen (we're twins, I'm a guy). Now we're about to be seniors and she's captain of the squad. School starts in august.

We got into an arguement the other day, and I said cheerleaders were all bonde ditzes who never get to college. After that we had a drinking contest and a bet; if i won she'd quit cheerleading and join student government, if i lost I'd join the squad for the year and show up the first week as a girl (it's tradition for the seniors to wear their cheer outfits the first week). I lost the bet.

I'm 5 foot 5, 120 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes. I don't mind going out and buying anything or going to a salon or whatever. I still don't know what I have to do to pull this off. I kinda have a girl butt so I know that helps, and my hair has grown out for winter down to my shoulders.

She'll be teaching me the cheers for the rest of the summer so i'll know them when school starts. I'm just wondering, how do i survive the first week?

u can pm me at chetshep99 with any other tips. ty




  1. They're called CHEERLEADERS, not cheergirls...

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