
How to be a honor or AP student?

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1. I am gonna be a freshmen this year and I really want to be in honor class do I have to take test or anything to be in honor class? or I just have ot get straight A ??

2. When i promote to 10th grade how could I be in AP class do I have to take test or any thing?? Please explain how you guys get to honor or AP classes. thanks

P.S (no needed to answer this question if you don' t know :D)I am an ELD(English Learner) student but I always get straight A on my report card why can't i be in honor class?




  1. That's kind of weird..

    if you're getting Straight A's, why aren't you in the honor classes?

    You should talk to some teachers.

    I myself have gotten straight a's and i'm taking A.P. classes..

    You should go to the office and ask them or something..

  2. In my school, you are required to pass a test to be enrolled in Honors English only if you were not in an Honors English course the previous year, or if you got below a C in that Honors Enlish course. (It works the same way with Honors I.P.S., and Honors Algebra.)

    Normally, you don't need to take a test to get into AP. (Especially classes like AP History, AP Statistics, etc.) You just had to be enrolled in an honors class that relates to the AP class (Honors English will get you into AP Literature and Composition in my school), or you have to have had high grades in a class that relates to the AP class.

    (AP classes are intended for upper-classmen.)

    I'm sure you'll be able to get into Honors and eventually AP with no problem.

  3. To be in an Honors class you must have at least an "A" or "B" in that particular subject (or core subject) the previous year and/or a teacher's recommendation.

    AP classes aren't usually intended for freshmen unless you're in a more advanced magnet program such as the IB program. But, you do need to test for an AP class if you're not in a program.

    Although you get straight "A's" it will mainly depend on the level of your current/previous classes.

    An AP class is a college level course, you and your teachers can decide whether you're ready for that, same goes for Honors.

    I don't mean this is any rude way, but for example, from your writing I wouldn't recommend an AP English or Honors English class. I don't think your teacher would accept simple grammar done incorrectly. I understand though that you are an English learner.

    Each school though, has different prerequisites.

  4. It's different for different schools.

    1. In my old schools i've gotten in the excel honour rolls for having my cumulative GPA (grade point average) above 3.6 so i guess just keep your grades up high. but then again it's probably different for different school's so i advise that you talk to a counselor or anyone else you can ask in that area.

    2. To be in AP classes, you need to take the fundamental subjects needed prior level of that AP class (for example: if you want to take AP Biology, it's essential to take a high school level Biology class before you can take an AP level) You have to excel in the subject and keep up good grades through out the year. Then they'll probably give you some sort of test if you want to go AP. In my history class last year, we had to write a timed essay. If you get a good grade on it as well as persistent good grades throughout the year, then you'll get a spot at AP. At least, that's all what we had to do in my old school. But you will have to plan with a teacher beforehand.

    3. To get honours, you need to have high grades in ALL your classes, not just one particular subject.

  5. Well when you make your schedule with your guidance coulser just tell her you want to be in honors or AP classes. There is to test to get into these classes, but they may want your teacher to recommend you to that class.  

  6. 1. I do not believe you need to take exams to get into honours classes. I simply got good grades to get into mine.

    2. Again, I do not believe you need to take exams to get into them. I am in two AP classes and got into them from good grades and meeting prerequisites. However, if you are in an AP class and want college credit for it, /then/ you need to take an exam later in the year.

    Talk to your guidance counselor about signing up for the higher classes. That's what I did. He checked my transcript and it showed I met the requirements to get into them, so he put me in the classes.

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