
How to be a people person

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im kinda shy, and i need to be a people person, for getting a job. How do i become a people person




  1. Say hello to people and you won't be long in starting up a few conversations and then just be yourself, everything will fall into place.

    Everyone can be a people person, they just need a little confidence.

    You have already started by asking a question on here.

    Good luck.  

  2. I'm right there with ya on being shy.  Just look people in the eye and give yourself credit for being able to do it.  Good Luck.  Be confident.

  3. just learn to like people and listening to them  

  4. You have to be born that way.  It would be better if i were shy. /

  5. Awwwww...lemme try and help you out.  

    I know I'm a BIG people person!  I really enjoy speaking to others and just being there whether they're going through good times or bad.  When it comes to employment, you have to be the same way.  Just be willing to go the extra mile to entertain or assist someone when they need you.  How?

    - Smile and be very courteous.  When you're polite you draw people towards you.  

    - The more people you talk to, the more comfortable you will be.

    - Confidence plays a huge role in being a people person as welll because if you are not confident in yourself, people can see right through you.

    -  Try to plan more days out with close friends and party with strangers at a club.  That's the easiest way to practice reaching out and being a people person.  Just don't give out your number to them or take rides from strangers of course!  

    Try not to worry.  If you're applying for a job you're passionate about, you shouldn't have any problems being shy.  It'll all come natural to you.  When you start a new job, it always seems intimidating at first.  Don't be afraid to speak to others and ask questions.  Before you know it, you'll be the pro helping the other newcomers.


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