
How to be a .......?

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I've only started high school, but I'm not the usual teenager.. I tend to take care of others and help others and be kind and all, i don't talk as much either.. because i tend to see myself more mature than kids my age.. But to explain this.. I was just wondering what would I need to do to become something in any Intelligence Agency.. i want to fight corruption and solve things like that.. I do not want to work for the government but i want to work somewhere that can investigate government corruption.. i know i need my usual algebra, science, English, etc classes, but.. what else should I take in order to work for something like that.. please do not tell me I am to young and such, because this is a career im really sure i need to take.. please try and give me professional answers, i greatly appreciate your help and effort, you do not know how much you guys are important to me.. thanks




  1. You want a job at the City Controllers Office.  They investigate complaints of illegal government activities.  Such as illegal spending, corruption, abuse of official status, fraud etc...  Many cities have internships where you can get some training about the office and it's positions.  They even hire student workers.  You will need computer skills, report writing skills, training in law enforcement and other requirements depending on the city.  Your best bet is to go to your city website and contact someone in the Controllers Office.  There is also a State Controllers Office too.  Good luck it's a great job!

  2. First Assumption- You intend to go to college. If so you should major in Business( accounting) and minor in Criminal Justice. You should try to gain fluency in a foreign language. Spanish, Russian or Chinese (Mandarin). You might wish to become a forensic accountant, letting you delve into suspect corporation books. You could work for the local DA's office, the state or for law firms that represent Pltf. or Def. business. If no college get fluency in a foreign language(really you will need college) You can seek a position with a Congressmans  or Senators office but again I reiterate you will need college. The fact you are young is immaterial as very often we decide on a career at an early age and follow through on it. Good Luck
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