
How to be a safe driver?

by  |  earlier

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Im a very cautious responsible driver, and i try and do everything i can to be safe on the roads and freeways. I read somewhere that when it comes down to it, all car accidents are avoidable and preventable.

what do you do to stay safe while driving?




  1. The #1 thing you can do to stay out of trouble in to NOT TAILGATE the car in front of you!

    Use the 2 second rule.

    Scan the road ahead of you, and be aware of the changing conditions, before it involves you.

    Check your mirrors CONSTANTLY!

    Don't speed excessively.

    MOST accidents are indeed preventable, if you follow the above guidelines.

    Good Luck  --IC

  2. Outstanding question...Being a safe driver starts before one gets behind the wheel...If a driver is fully aware of the task that is about to be undertaken and has fully prepared him/herself and the vehicle for the trip (no matter the distance or destination) the chances of being involved in a collision are greatly reduced.

    Collisions are a fact of life...The only way they can be prevented today is if everyone is on the same page when operating their vehicle by being focused, alert and prepared for what they are doing...Driving takes only about 5-10% physical effort, but it demands 100% mental attention...So until the day comes when we have fully automatic vehicles that will do everything for us, we have to make do with what we have...And sadly, the carnage on the roadways that disrupts so many lives and families will continue until we see that the solution to the problem lies within each one of us.

    There is no such thing as a "safe" vehicle, except when it is not occupied and the engine is turned off...And that's about 98% of the time.

  3. Remember all the rules of the road and observe them.

    It may seem obvious to do that, but most people flout the rules constantly.

  4. absolutely the biggest distraction are my kids.

    I will pull over to give them a tissue or change the DVD.  Or i'll just say "I can't. I'm driving now."  you think it's so easy to just throw them a tissue but it's not.  

    Stay under the speed limit and slower during snow and ice storms and FOG!  I can't believe all the people trying to pass me when the roads are bad.

    Absolutely, I don't go immediately when it's green.  I still look both ways.  There's ALWAYS some crazy driver trying to make it through the yellow and hits the red light and goes through it anyway.  

    Safe driving.  Always know where your are going. My husband and I do trial runs on the weekends.   We'll drive to my interview, a practice run, and he'll right the directions also.

    I find that when I don't know where I'm going, it's easy to miss speed limits and stop signs.  So practice runs are great.

    i try not to eat in the car.  it's so hard to unwrap a sandwich and find all the napkins.  Best to pull over.

  5. Expect every other driver to do something unpredictable and you wo,nt go far wrong,at the same time try to be considerate of all people and road conditions,Good luck.

  6. The truth is you have the power to avoid virtually every accident. Start by refusing to be a victim. You have the power to identify red-light runners, sudden stoppers, random turners and comers-out-of-nowhere in time to take effective avoidance action. Be in tune with the road and it's easy to spot deteriorating conditions.

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