
How to be a vegan?

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i want to be a vegan. but its kinda hard. because my community is surrounded by fastfoods and so much more unhealthy foods. most of them are processed foods. i want to eliminate that in my diet. but, what to eat?

what do you vegan people eats?

i want to eat raw without depriving myself..

what raw foods can you suggest?

tnx. :)




  1. Take a look at this:

    You'll probably find that useful.

    I would also suggest you have a look at the following sites:

    Good luck!

  2. I dont suggest raw food. You can eat fruits and vegetables.

    Nothing that comes fome animals ( meat,milk)  stuff like that

    hope i helped

  3. Well, I'm a vegetarian, so I suggest be a vegetarian until you're 21, if you're at that age, I think you should go to Hollands and Barrats, they sell excellent vegan foods!

  4. Before anything, you need to think of some reasons why you want to become a vegan. Vegan people can eat lots of things!

    When you buy food, watch out for ingredients such as ....





    White sugar










    You can eat vegan cheese, soy/rice milk, vegan cake, vegan candy, etc.

    How to become a vegan -

    Vegan recipes - (my favorite site) (over 11,000 recipes)

  5. you can eat ant thing that is not an animal or that comes from one

  6. You can eat corn on the cob (the long, not frozen ones) that you find in the produce section raw. You don't have to cook it. My sister is a vegetarian and she tries all kinds of different foods. Like asparagus. She eats broccoli, spinach, brown rice, corn, any vegi's or fruits she sees, she tries it.  Also, if you're trying to eat healthier you might want to eat whole wheat or honey wheat bread (I like the honey wheat), instead of white bread.  Also, you can eat beans and nuts. Grapes and nuts together make a great snack.

  7. First off, don't eat any meat, dairy products, eggs, anything that contains eggs, and honey. I suggest that you only eat rice and pasta for carbs and fruits and vegetables for vitamins. For protein, eat tons of legumes, such as beans, peas, almonds, and peanuts. Try to avoid chocolate and ice cream, because they contain dairy. Don't eat any type of bakery food, because usually, they contain eggs and dairy. Good luck on your vegan diet.

  8. in the true since of the word "Vegan" - well the first thing you would have to do is give up using anything that has anything to do with animals - FOSSIL FUELS were once animals start there - stop using any and all things made with,  proccessed with,  trucked by any vehecile using Fossil Fuels.  

    and if you want to be a "Raw Fooder"  check out  "Anne Wigmore" website - it is all about eating raw food - has recipes and how-to info.  and  may i suggest using term vegetarian it is more realistic.

    oh and by the way your computer was trucked using Fossil Fuels and was proccessed using Fossil Fuels.  thanks for trying to eat a plant-based diet - Good for your body - Good for the planet - Good for every one!  :)
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