
How to be carefree and laid back?

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How to be carefree and laid back?




  1. beat babys

  2. put your trust and worries in God's hands

  3. Spend a day at the spa wheter its a foot massage, a back massage, accu punchor, cucumber peel, I like sitting in front of a hot fire with a robe and all after a warm bath!


  4. Man you just have to let go.

    There is a lot of c**p in this world that is just trying to drag the peace screamin out of your life.

    I'll tell you something. I've gotten ride of my AIM sn and myspace and I haven't been happier.

    Just keep looking at the bigger picture and the little stuff just starts to bother you less and less till it just doesn't matter.

  5. Haha! Try yoga =) or pick up a sport you enjoy. Play some video games or something. Thats what my brother does.

    just make sure to finish everything you need to do before hand ^-~

  6. yes smoke pot

  7. Smoke a doobie.

  8. Let Go

  9. relax and listen to music just don't care anymore numb yourself to every little thing other than fun

  10. Just don't get attatched to anything or really care about much. You can care and get attatched a little bit, but not alot.

  11. smoke that weed man

  12. meditate... and actually be good at it.

  13. vs. being high strung and anxious?

    Don't sweat the small stuff and realize its all small stuff.

    Don't take yourself so seriously.

    Practice "Easy Does It" and "Let Go and Let God"

  14. Its something little by little you teach yourself. It starts small and builds

  15. Shirk responsibilities, blame others for your problems, spend money you don't have, refuse to pay your bills, don't obey laws, s***w all your friends & family over....that's a good start.  Then you'll be really cool.

  16. Take deep breaths and don't worry about what other people think.

    If it's really bad, see a therapist.

    Or, if you're adventurous and old enough try a little bit of weed. (I consider old enough to be 16 or 17. Don't smoke more than once a week until you've been trying weed for at least a year)

  17. be urself

    dont get over excited

    dotn get mad or dont get very tempered easliy

    sure,yes,to every question xD

    but dont be a jerk bout it

    OH and BTW. laid back has nothign to do wit drugs

    drugs makes u stoned and ugly and a little retared in da head, NOT laidback and carefree

  18. Switch off, don't let anything bother you. relax on sofa and enjoy soft mellow music with headphones. Listen more to people instead of giving them no choice but to listen to you. Ignore yourself when things bother you like 'i have to spring clean today and every day'.

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