
How to be confident without being too over-confident?

by Guest44630  |  earlier

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How to be confident without being too over-confident?




  1. Actually,

    most people who are over-confident are insecure in general and therefore compensate by focusing one one thing and exaggerating it so that they feel better.  It tends to alienate people, but it really is about insecurity and overcompensation rather than true confidence.  So, the way to avoid being overconfident, strangely, is to improve your self esteem.  If you are okay with yourself you won't be inclined to brag or appear arrogant.  

  2. I think you can be confident yourself and your abilities but just don't talk about yourself or act better than others...nobody likes to around that.

  3. well you can be happy with the things you do and how you look or whatever... without flaunting it...

    you might think your s**y but that doesnt' mean you ahve to wear a low cut shirt or a short skirt..

    you might think your good at singing

    but it doesn't mean you have to tell people your good at it and sing for them everywhere you go and say../ LOOK HOW GOOD I AM.

    lol theres a huge difference in being proud and happy for and of your self but you dont have to go around telling everyone or flaunt it everywhere.. just keep it to yourself, or your close friends. they should be able to understand how yoru feeilng without thinking yoru cocky!

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