
How to be extremely popular in middle school? HELP!?

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I'm 12 years old and going to middle school. I need help quick. I really want to be popualr soooooo badly I need serious help, right away!!!




  1. Who cares about being popular? Last year the most popular 6th grade girl was in my class. I wanted to be popular like you so i followed her every were and it was the most boring thing ever. Then i met my two best friends (who aren't considered popular) and they were so much fun! They make middle school great for me. Without them i would despise school. I still don't like it but i don't hate it. Anyway just be yourself. Don't worry about popularity. Its not worth it trust me.

  2. hmm first tip .. don't post a question on yahoo asking how to be popular.

    BE YOURSELF! that's always the best advice is to just be yourself & go with your gut instincts. When I was 12 years old I got sucked into the whole "being popular" thing & did a bunch of things I would NEVER have even considered doing if i wasn't trying to be popular. I smoked cigarettes with the popular kids because they were doing it, I drank beer with them because they were doing it, I even smoked pot with them because they were doing it.. and you know where it got me? nowhere. You don't need to be smoking, drinking, stealing, sneaking out when you are 12 years old. When it came time to go to high school HALF of the girls I was trying to impress had already become pregnant. I decided to go to a catholic high school as opposed to the local public high school and met a totally different group of people, and became friends with people who were like me! if you befriend people who share similar interests and hobbies with you, you will be so much happier.

  3. be who you are and if people like it then you will be popular, if they dont, then dont try to be someone else, its never easy keeping that sort of facade up. You will have friends no matter what, people always have common interests

  4. don't get too caught up wanting to be popular. most people do that and end up loosing friends. i noticed that by doing things that i like, i became very popular. SIMPLY GET INVOLVED! IT'S FUN AND YOU MAKE GREAT FRIENDSHIPS WHICH LEAD TO KNOWING MORE PEOPLE...since that person knows someday that knows somebody, etc. before you know it you'll have hundreds of friends without being a stuck up popular kid.

    hope I helped(:

  5. you need to just be yourself and meet new people they do not have to be cool but what makes a lot of people poupular is to have  friends and to be in alot of sports.i hope i helped! :)  

  6. just be yourself. you may end up being popular and you may not. and if your not then in years to come you will learn that "popularity" is really nothing, and no one worrys about that. but basically just be yourself.

  7. please.... you don't want to be popular. it's a nightmare, it's so not what it's cracked up to be.

    whatever you think it will gain you, it won't.

    trust me.

    be yourself.

    be different.

    people like people who don't try to blend in. ;)

    don't be afraid to be a little crazy at times. ;)

  8. Dance around with mannequins.

    I didn't even try to be popular, but I ended up being so.


  9. hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha

  10. why? being popular only kills who you really are. just be yourself. in the end the popular kids are the ones who drink, do drugs and end up in the hospital or jail. just be yourself and obedient!

    Believe me i tried that popular thing in middle school and it doesn' work. if the kids don't lie you for how you are then they aren't worth the effort.

  11. the most simple way to be popular is to know tons of ppl

    i became one of the most popular kids in my whole school

    all i did was have tons of friends

    try to meet ur friends friends

    eventually people will get to know u

    then u get popular

    unless u have a bad personality

    be loud and fun

    enjoy urself

    these years dont last forever

  12. hey!

    Im 12 too. I just started 7th grade like a month ago.

    I have lot of friends. Last year i wa sin a small class of only 34 kids and i hung out with, like, ALL of them. People say its just my crazy personality.

    But yeah.. Here's some pointers:

    1. When you meet someone new, hang out with them at lunch. If you do that for a few days, you will meet the five or six kids that one kid is close to, and then you'lll know seven or eight kids already! When you meet one kid, you will soon know manyyyy of them.

    2. Join school clubs. I know it ssounds dorky, but its true. Join leadership. It gets you noticed.

    3. Hang out with alot of different kids in alot of different groups. "Mingle" as some people call it. Talk about "whos going out with who" and stuff like that.

    4. Be loud. seriously, [ROFL]. DO not be quiet or shy. That makes people think you wanna go home and hide, instead of wanting to socialize.

    5. Do not get embarrased.

    6. GIVE HUGS. Lol, i know its weird, but at my school its the way kids think. If you meet someone, and the next time you see them/they see you they give you a hug, it means they are glad to know you. LOL. Its wierd but it works.

    7. Be flirty. FLIRTY AND S****y ARE NOT THE SAME.

    8. Be open to meeting new kids. Do not judge by appearance. Do not confuse one kid with another kid. LOL it happened to me.

  13. okay clam down.  im 15 and was 12 not to long ago lol

    okay well in grammer school i was not popular at all and im gunna tell u why.

    1.- i was quiet

    2.-i was gullable

    3.- i pretty much did not stand up for myslef at all

    okay not im in highschool and dont mean to brag-but like im really popular.


    okay how to be popular

    be funnny.

    be kina obnoxicous lmao.

    and when ppl talk to u dont answer back with a fake laugh and a queit yea.  

    answer in a loud way like make ur answer a complete sentance.

    okay dont be mean.  i mean as u will want to-- sont be mean to the to the not so popular kids thats not funny thats mean and wrong.

    please dont be shy thats the worst

    good luck and dont try to hard!



  14. Popularity is stupid and vastly overrated, dear. Being yourself is much more important. If you try to dress or act in a way that you think will make you popular but isn't really you, people will see through it and just think of you as a wannabe. Be who you are, and if that doesn't make you popular, that's fine. Most popular people are hated by everyone else anyways, so it's much better to be yourself and be well liked.

  15. Be very sociable, talk to people, be likable and make as much friends as possible. Bullying is a no-no.

  16. u can tell th epeople that said be themselves are unpopular


    i know the secret babe;) im popular...

    i cant tell you though, sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry

    no lie, im so ****** blazed right now, im ******* lovingg itt

  17. eerrmmm.... how about you just focus more on your education instead of being "popular"...most middle school girls who are popular are only popular because there are s***s

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