
How to be happier/less down with life...?

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I'm in a bit of a slump. I don't hate life or anything; it's just nothing seems to be going my way.

what are some ways to be happy again?

I'm 17.




  1. Find someone who you can talk to and tell everything to.

  2. goggle the phrase "lucid dream meditation". you will feel better

  3. I'm 17 as well. Just got out of my slump, and trust me, I know EXACTLY what you're going through.

    Recently, I just got out of depression. I spent a lot of long nights thinking and crying.

    I finally took up running to get myself away from things and just get out and do something for myself, and that helped a lot.

    You just have to reach deep down and find whats keeping you down.

    Find an outlet for your feelings.

    If you want to, you can message me and maybe I can further help you out seeing as we're the same age and I can relate to what you're going through. Just a friendly invitation because I know what its like.

  4. Get the doctor top prescribe Prozac to you.

  5. I believe 17 is generally an unhappy time.  I think one of the best ways to get out of a slump is to do some volunteer work.  Something about helping others really brings out a positive outlook on life.

    Also, make a list of 2-3 goals you have and think how to to achieve them. Put the goals in your room and think about how to achieve them every day.  Sooner or later these goals will come true and the sense of accomplishment will make you feel better.  

    You could also put some positive thoughts around your room/house and think about them.  Sometimes when you put positive out in the universe it comes back to you and you are happier about life.

    Another suggestion is to treat yourself to some new clothes, hair do, or vacation with your friends to just get out of your rut.

    Good luck!

  6. I read a book titled " How full is your bucket" and it changed my life. I know a lot of people say things like that, but it's true. And if you get down and  get the blues, just email me and I'll tell you a joke and make you laugh. And it's true, the more you laugh the more you'll want to. :)

  7. Just don't feel sorry for yourself or see yourself as the victim of uncontrolled circumstances. Happiness is a choice you make every day. You can choose to be sad or angered by day to day goings on or you can choose to see things as amazing and new.

    What I do to make my day is I take the same route to classes every day, and every day I try to memorize one face in the crowd and see if I can see or recognize them the next day. For some strange reason it makes me feel like I'm making a difference just by remembering a face.

  8. Im always pulling the postives out. Try just being optimistic and brushing the little things off your shoulders. Sometimes you just have to think "whatever" and just be hopeful. All my friends who are miserable let the little things get them down. Enjoy the moments you are happy and just stay postitive when your not.

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