
How to be happy? I have realised that whatever I do I am just not happy with myself!

by  |  earlier

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I guess I have always felt like a looser. Previously I had problems with my job and commuting to work. Now that is also solved, I have changed jobs and stay near my workplace!!

Still I am not unhappy. I really dont know whats wrong with me and what can I to be happy with what I am & what I have with me.

Of course I have a few unsolved problems like heading back to studies and stuff but still I atleast need to be a bit happier than I was before.




  1. no circumstances can make u happy or unhappy. it is u urself who is responsible for ur happiness. if u want to remain happy, noone can make u unhappy & it is other way round too. dear it is all in the head. sometimes we feel low &that  that time we think we r a loser & very second day when we are high on energy everything seems perfect. so everthing is perfect, u just have to believe it.

  2. Try meditation..

    Focus on the things you like, things that make you happy...look forward to them after work..

    Keep yourself busy towards a goal that you really want to achieve..

  3. you don't have any person who understand u?

    tell to him/her.

    Definitely u will be feel relaxed.

  4. Just get pissed and relax, have a good time

  5. how about having a best friend

    acc to me u dont have any good friend

    do u stay away from ur parents

    if u are unhappy in office just lesve it at office and enjoy outside promlems of office should be handled at office

  6. You need to concentrate on the stengths you have, Happiness is a choice you make. You can choose for hapiness.Make your mind up and quit being so down on yourself. Everyone has struggles . Life is never completely trouble free.Look at your blessings. Do you have good health? be thankful ! Reach out and help someone.Do for others and you WILL be happy.Can you walk, and talk?There are many confined to hospitals and wheel chairs that would love to get around.Think about it.Good Luck !Celebrate your own uniqueness.You are special already,you just need to change your perception about yourself.A loser is one who stops trying.Our external comforts dont create happiness.Its our focus about life. You will become what you think, so think happy and positive and people will love to be around you.Think of people you like being around, and see how their joy is infectious.

  7. you know sometimes we all feel like loosers. It is hard being an adult and having the pressure of work home school and all on us. Just thank God you are here to have the problems. Happer times are ahead for you I just know it. Good luck and God Bless. Remember God don't make Just so there is no way you are a looser.  

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