
How to be happy all time even though you don't feel it sometimes?

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How to be happy all time even though you don't feel it sometimes?




  1. one answer:

    i promise you happiness!

  2. Its okay to be sad too...its a human emotion just like happiness.  

  3. You can't be happy all the time. Sometimes we need to cry in order to feel better. But in order to cry we have to feel sad... See?

  4. You have the privileged to feel the emotions from your heart. To be happy, to be sad, to be worried, to be angry, to be upset, to be in all kind of emotional situations. That proves that you have a life, you can feel like a normal being. Imagine those who can't experience such things, it's a torture that they're unable to show their emotions.

    There can never be anybody being happy all the time. Even babies can't do that, they cry when they're hungry. It's a form of expression.

    If u want to feel happy for most of the time, just relax and take everything as it comes. Be optimistic in life and always look on the bright side of life.

    I hope i helped. :)

  5. my solution from the bible, give to charity, in the process recieve salvation and when the demons are at your door think of your reward in heaven

    in the name of jesus is the bit you will want to add.

  6. you cannot do that. happiness and sadness are two sides of a coin.

    life is full of ups and downs and we all need to realise this, and accept both these aspects of our life.  

  7. You can't be happy throughout life as we are all hit by many problems. If you don't feel happy you cannot be happy. Those people who you think are always happy are usually putting 'a face' on it and anyone who can do this you have to admire.  With young children you often need to do this as you cannot put 'the weight of the world' on their shoulders at an early age.  I personally find it's just a fact of life that most people, unless very close family or your very best friend really are not very interested in the problems of others. They initially want to hear your worries but not an ongoing account. This is when you have to smile and act normally in company as otherwise you could lose contact with friends and hobies. It is not easy to do but the only way to get through a bad time.

  8. Pretend

  9. Happiness is the polar opposite of sadness....One cannot exist without the other.  You cannot feel happiness, if you have never felt sadness.  You wouldn't be able to recognize it as "happiness."  Everything would just be flat.  Life has its ups and downs.  Trust me, no one can be happy all the time.  

  10. Fake it to make it, by tricking yourself you may convince your brain that you are happy. But really you probably wouldn't want to be happy all the time that's what makes it more special as it's not constantt.

  11. No one is happy all the time.  It's just not possible.  

  12. Make yourself smile whether you want to or not. Smiling is conatgious - everyone around you will smile more, and that will make you smile more! Also, if you act happy, it can help make others happier, which helps make you happier!

  13. People who are happy ALL the time are nuts.  Be glad you are normal. If it weren't for the valleys how would we know where the peaks were?  

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