
How to be healthier while trying to conceive?

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I know i'm not really healthy right now. I'm working a desk job so i sit down a lot and have a low metabolism. I'm not overweight at all though, i'm right where I need to be. But I dont eat as healthy as I should. I've cut out caffeine, and soda, and am trying to drink three small glasses of milk a day (i never drink milk normally) What else should I do? I dont smoke, and I dont drink, and I dont tan. Anything else I should avoid? Thanks!




  1. You're on the right track.  Just start taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins, and you'll be good to go.  You might also want to get into an exercise routine to get your metabolism and strength up (not for weight loss, though).  My friend was a avid gym member, and her delivery was very smooth and short.  My doc said working out helps with flexibility and strength, and when you get pregnant, pregnancy workouts help prepare you for birth.  Good luck!! :)

  2. jog/walk,drink green tea,sugar free fruit juice,milk, etc.,eat fruit,wheats,protein(meat eggs),go to a gym,only watch television when you cant exercise,swim,bicycle lift weights,and to boost convidence enter triathlons,marathons or push  yourself to another km or mile in your runs

  3. You should be fine. Add more water to your diet and take prenatals early!

  4. You sound fine to me. Have you started taking vitamins yet? Either folic acid or prenatal vitamins are great to take 3 months prior to conception, of course it doesnt matter if you conceive before that time, but if it should take 3 months or more then you will have something to feel nice and prepared about : ) Cutting the caffeine and sugary things is great. Good luck!

  5. well, u sound gud. Working a desk job is not bad, if u r getting ur excercise befor/after work. Take folic acid. Keep positive thoughts. I d say relax and enjoy, thats when it happens faster, well, atleast thats what happened to me after almost 8mo of tryin with stress and Hope u have ur lil bundle of joy soon dear! GL and god bless!

  6. You sound fine to me.  Make sure you are drinking enough water, and maybe work in 30 minutes of walking a day.  Also, you don't have to drink milk if you don't like it, eat cheese or yogurt or something for dairy instead.  If you haven't already started, start taking prenatals that will give you folic acid and iron.

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