
How to be interesting when doing an oral presentation????!! I REALLY need your help!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a project called laboratory map..or something like that, anyway. I have to think up 5 most important safety rules, and present them in the format of my choice (story, song, video, etc). Problem: I don't know how to do any of that except probably the story..and I can probably talk normally. But I'm EXTREMELY EXTREMELY queasy and super nervous, and I don't know how to present it without peoples' eyes crossing or having my stomach twisted in tiny little knots. Can you please help me??? This will most likely affect my grade! Oh yeah, did I mention when I speak it's in French? (I started learning French two years ago, and some kids learned in kindergarten, so I'm afraid I'll be laughed at). And my teacher wants to be "wowed"! I could practice and practice but I get nervous thinking about the fact the presentation's getting closer and then I don't practice. What can/should I do?




  1. humor is always a reliever. when your up there, don't think about how you look, it doesn't matter if you make a complete fool of yourself, have fun, maybe add a funny example. even though its all serious, it will help you relieve a little stress, and the presentation will be more enjoyable, because no one likes lectures. and the best thing to do, is make sure you look at all your audience, but only focus on one at a time, and sometimes when you speak, pretend your talking directly to them. it looks more professional and its easier to talk to one person then a big audience.

    and if you say something stupid, embrace the moment, and laugh with them,because it must be funny, cuz their laughing..right?

    hope this helps =)


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