
How to be like them?

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Is it a good idea to dress up like a Pakistani bride on my wedding day next month?




  1. Don't know if I'd say a good idea, but given how much I'd have liked to try something like that, I'm going to give you the potentially bad advice of "Go for it!".

  2. Two questions,

    One: Are you marrying into a Pakistani family???

    Two: are you having a Pakistani Ceremony???

    If you have answered "Yes" to these questions, the Yeah, I think it would be completely appropriate to dress like them even if you are not.

    If you are having a western service you may look out of place, but it is your day so dress however you like.

    If you aren't Pakistani yourself or aren't marrying into a Pakistani family then I don't understand the sudden desier to wear the 'costume'.  But like I said, Your Day, Your Choice.

    Good luck and have a wonderful day.

  3. I don't know if it would be such a good idea at the ceremony unless (like a previous poster suggested) you are marrying a Pakistani and having a Pakistani ceremony.  If you invite any South Asians (Indian, Pakistani, etc) they might be offended.  The dresses worn in South Asian marriages have deep meaning behind them and the dress is incorporated into the wedding (tying of knots and such).

    The way it wouldn't be offensive is if you wore the dress during the reception.

    Hope that helps!  Good luck!

  4. Sure! Go for it! I think it would look beautiful.

    I wouldn't do it though, but that is just not in my taste range.

  5. Its interesting.Nice idea.
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